Saffron Storm

The Outskirts of Lake City

Eighth Garrison

Xavier was feeling a little more in control of his emotions. He knew Callum was right about the intensity of the feelings that came with having a bloodflame. He had heard stories, but he always believed that some vampires were just too weak. 

But he had to admit that his mind had become fragile since he met Leila, and it had just been three days. He wondered if the turbulence he was experiencing would reduce or intensify with time. 

He was not sure he could survive it, but at the same time, he relished the thought of what would come the more he got to know Leila. So far, she was the most fascinating creature in the world. 

And she was all his. 

'She is not yours.' The thought came unbidden in his mind as he tried to concentrate on the contract on his computer. 

'She will be. She can only be mine.' This inner voice was dark, twisted, and possessive.