Tell the Truth

My heart is open, my mouth is free.

If I have secrets, let them be.

Whisper softly, tell the air.

All my secrets, laid out bare.

Leila was quite pleased with the small poem she came up with quickly. She was satisfied she could make her spell rhyme because people trusted children's games with rhyming patterns more. 

Of course, this did not mean that the words were not important. 

A lot of children's songs and rhymes were derived from ancient books, and some of them, especially those in fairytales, were based on witchcraft. The important thing about the chants was to channel and direct the power. 

If Leila could make these foolish youths shout 'I will tell my secrets' continuously, it would work just the same. But spell chants with a hypnotic rhythm were more effective because they lulled the mind.