A Strange Dream

When Leila woke up, she felt like she had been dreaming for a long time. 

She could not remember what happened the previous night. After she left the train station, she seemed to have fallen into a daze. She could not recall how she got into her room or even if she met with anyone. 

The last thing she could remember was entering the car after leaving the train. 

Her head throbbed with pain when she stepped out of her bed. She wondered if she had been drugged, but that did not seem possible. Her position in Ghost City was well-known, so no one would mess with her. 

She looked around the room and everything seemed familiar. It was just as she had left it when she last visited. Yet, she also felt a sense of alienation from it. She felt a few memories rush back into her mind. 

Yesterday, she met a new housekeeper named Seraphina. However, the meeting seemed clouded in a haze. She could not remember the woman's face, and her voice sounded distant.