Cultivation vs Supernatural

Xavier watched as Leila left The Paper Trail with her driver. However, his eyes lingered on the bookstore. He could not see what had gone on when Leila was inside with the Bookkeeper. 

After all, he could not see through walls. 

However, his heightened senses allowed him to hear and even sense the energies within the building. He did not approach too closely because he could tell that the Bookkeeper was not an ordinary man. 

His energy had an ancient edge not often sensed in the mortal world. Still, his power was not physical but spiritual. He had the energy of a guardian spirit seen in the supernatural world within sacred areas.

These types of being could be a little volatile, so it was better not to interact with the Bookkeeper. He did not want to clash with the being, especially if he was friends with Leila. Not to mention, he was in a neutral zone.