
The moment kept stretching into infinity as they took in each other's breaths. Leila felt more overwhelmed and even wronged. She was relieved to see Xavier and stop feeling the hollowness that came with his absence.

However, that very thing made her feel weak, powerless and frustrated. 

She had always been independent, even though she had a lot of support from her grandparents, the villagers, and her teacher, the Ghost King. But her life had always been hers, without anything holding her back. 

She always felt like she could do anything she wanted without worrying about anything. But it seemed like she was more influenced by Xavier than she could have ever imagined was possible. 

Her life did not feel like hers. 

After a minute of silence and an attempt to collect herself. She failed. Tears trickled down her cheeks. It started as a few droplets before they became rivulets on her cheeks, staining her soft cheeks.