
Winston frowned when he heard the words. He did not understand what Xavier meant by turning someone on paper. But he was a little curious who could make Xavier Remington willing to owe him a favour. 

It had to be someone important because turning someone was not as easy as giving someone a bite.

The modern laws of the supernatural world were complicated. 

In the past, supernatural beings could act autonomously because there were no real rules. Moreover, human beings were too weak to resist the power of stronger beings due to the lack of weapons. 

Therefore, supernatural beings, especially werewolves and vampires, killed and turned regular humans at their discretion. Turning was popular because it was tantamount to creating new followers. 

For instance, if there was a dispute in pack leadership in a werewolf clan, a wolf would turn humans and include them in the pack. As a result, it would be difficult for the other members to survive.