
The two people stood on the tree with incredible stillness. Even the two guards protecting the Smith family would not have seen them if they had looked directly at the old tree. Their silhouettes were still beautiful in the night sky. 

The full moon would not peak until the following night, but it was still quite bright, enhanced by the clear sky. 

Leila appreciated the vantage point Xavier chose to land because it gave her a complete view of the Smith property. She could see almost every part of the home, including the mansion, the pool and other structures. 

Her amber eyes swept over the property looking for her quarry: the monument used to borrow luck. Based on what Renaud said, the level of luck enjoyed by the Smith family would mean a prominent feature. 

As she looked with her wolf eyes, she also engaged the third eye Renaud opened to enable them to see ghost energy. It only took that one event for her to understand how to engage it on her own.