Chapter 1: Act 1 - Green Invaders


"Hey David, you should check out your rank. You are 17 dawg." Aaron was looking at his best friend napping on the chair with a pillow over his face.

"When are you going to not be lazy and check out your rank?" He was frustrated and grabbed his pillow. With two hands gripped onto the edge of the pillow, he smacks it upon David's face with extreme force.

Like coming out of space, David gasps for air. He grabbed his pillow back with great force and with a disturbed and vexed tone, he said to Aaron, "aye man, what was that for? I was in a dream where I was the main character with a spear killing some monsters that looked like Grandma Sophia." 

When he uttered such stupidity, Grandma Sophia appearing like a ninja gave David a deserved second one.


"Quite rude of you isn't it mate?" Grandma Sophia said with a slightly irritated expression.

A nicely shaped imprint of Sophia's palm reddened on the right cheek of David's face.

David rubs his face with a little guilt. He couldn't help but be impulsive. It was in his nature which was a result of a carefree lifestyle.

Grandma Sophia sighs.

"How many times did I tell you, don't utter random words on a whim without thinking about it."


With a light pat on his back, he zoned back to reality.

"Aye David, no time for slacking, we got a massive project we gotta to do." Team Captain Aaron said solemnly.

David was reminiscing about his past. Seeing his tired expression, Aaron couldn't help but sigh.

"Go take a smoko. Freshen your mind up and come back in 15 minutes."



"F-rank? Pft, how pathetic, it seems that both your origin and rank go hand in hand." As an examiner laughs condescendingly.

David with his palm on the surface of the navy rune looks solemnly at it. Caring for the examiner's words - nonexistent.

"David…" Grandma Sophia looked at him with concern so as the orphange that came to cheer him up.

"It's not the end of the world. You got other talents that might not be related to being a Rift officer. You can join me to become a Construction worker. Atleast they are somewhat helping the society."


Sitting on a chair while looking towards the sky, he continues to have such reminiscing daydreams.

"Why did I have to remember the past during work." He rubs his temples and proceeds to stretch his body.

"Guess 15 minutes is over, better get back to work."



"What was my numpad password again?"

Many failed attempts of his password proceeds to irritate his mind. Eventually the door opened and what greeted him was his black dog.

"Hey Ruther, how you doing." As he bends down to pat his dog, Ruther proceeds to lick him vigorously.

"Alright chill, I gotta wash up and do my thing ye dawg."

Ruther answers with two woofs signalling that he agrees.



"The bed feels a bit more comfortable than usual." David lays down with a short groan.

He grabs his phone from his cabinet and proceeds to login into his favourite game to play, Idle RPG: Road to the Top.

A game that was pretty dead but still consistently updated every now and then.

It was a relaxing idle rpg that he played everyday for 5 years straight.

He gears up to face the last chapter's boss Freedom. He was constantly stumped at this fight for multiple days. Lacking a few minor upgrades and readjustments to his artifacts/gear.

With his maxed out character, he let the game auto fight.

Sensing that it may be a victory, he didn't use the fast forward feature like the 2x or 3x speed.

He was watching his little character he developed try to defeat a blacked cloaked armoured knight. Freedom looked like the main villain that was dead set on revenge with his menacing radiant red eyes.

He switched his passive skill set to another one which had defense penetration, crit chance buffer and grevious wounds.



"A rare critical, sweet."

As he saw the start till the end of the fight, he felt escatic.

"LET'S FUCKING GO!" He jumps out of his bed, high fives his dog on the floor next to him and proceeds to get a cookie from the kitchen counter.

As expected, he notices a prestige button overshadowing his game screen like a virus pop up.

"Aye Ruther come over here." Ruther comes onto the bed and looked at the game screen.

"I will give you the honour to touch that button right now." Ruther looks at where David was pointing at.

He didn't know what he was doing but it seem to make David happy. So he pressed his paws onto the screen.

Suddenly, his phone was sucking his dog into the screen.

"RUTHER!" It was so sudden, he couldn't take a proper breather, his breath was out of sync, increasing by the second. Eyes were twitching maniacally, drops of sweat ran down to the back of his spine.

He slowly takes deep breathes in. During that turn of event, there was one thing he had comprehended.

His dog was kidnapped by his phone.

Never in his wildest dreams would he possibly utter such words. It felt like words on a whim that people would outright ignore. They would also look at David as if he was a crazy lunatic.

As he looks at his phone, he saw a revamped GUI of the game.

He saw a man running with a dog to fight some goblins.

"No way, is that Ruther?" As he slowly composes himself, he looks at the new systems and GUI more intricately.

As he looks at the character, he saw that it was different.

"Is that me?!" Flabbergasted out of his mind, David was trying to identify the being next to pixelated Ruther.

Snapping back to his senses, he wanted to see if he could bring back Ruther to reality.

With his head resting on his palms, he was looking at all the features.

There was Campaign, Inventory, Gear and Immersion.

He rubs his head in despair.

"Immersion is new." David was contemplating heavily on this newly added feature.

He had no idea what this could mean. But a game feature wouldn't just be there for no reason. His gamer instincts couldn't help but want to see what the feature does.

As he presses on the Immersion button, his whole body gets sucked into the phone.


His eyelids felt heavy as he tries to open them. Immediately, he sees the annoyingly bright sun flashing across his face.

"Agh, the sun."

David looked around and said with awe, "Wow what the hell is going on."

A vivid structural landscape, trees that looked extremely realistic, and an influx of oxygen being apparent as he continues to inhale it. He could name more of this phenomenon but what is important is that he need to know where he was at currently.

As he looks down, he notices a dog licking his calf.

"Ruther? It's you!" He grabs Ruther and swings him around like a Mary go round.

He felt elated that his best friend was safe. However, good things never last. He notices a group of goblins heading in a linear direction.

5 of them appeared in a V formation.

"These guys are green goblins, the lowest tiered goblins." He also notices that these goblins are without their weapon or gear.

A tutorial stage, Chapter 1: Act 1 - Green Invaders.

He notices energy fluctuation in a form of aura appearing like a bright outline on these goblins.

"It feels like an E-rank monster."

He had no gear, and his dog was also with him.

He looked at the unmoving goblins standing menacingly and patiently waiting for their turn to begin.