Samantha Springfield

"Bad news, everyone! There's a bad news!" Ryan came running down to the staff room with a panicked expression. 

Looking at his face, everyone was startled.

"What do you mean by that?" A cold voice echoed across the room. 

Everyone looked over and saw a stern-looking woman who looked to be in her late twenties. She was dressed in mint green cheongsam and her hair was tied with an emerald hairpin. 

Seeing her, Ryan and the other staff immediately bowed their heads. 

"Greetings, Miss Samantha!" They greeted her in unison. 

This woman was the owner of the Cloud Lake Pavilion. Other than being the owner of the largest restaurant in Red Sun City, she also had another shocking identity. She was the second child of the city lord! 

Samantha frowned in displeasure. "What made you so flustered that you have to come running in such a sorry manner?" She asked while looking at Ryan.

Ryan was still nervous so he answered in a stuttering voice. "H-He is here. The h-heir of the F-Firecrown Household, Fredrinn Firecrown…" 

"Hmm!" Hearing this, Samantha's face changed. 

The workers also revealed fear in their eyes. How could they not know the most notorious man in Red Sun City? 

"So it's him…" Samantha's face twitched in annoyance. She didn't want to get involved with the man. She detested him. Seeing his face was enough to make her feel uncomfortable. However, no one in the restaurant could handle him. 'It seems like I have to go see him…' She sighed helplessly. 

"Prepare the things he ordered and make sure that he won't be uncomfortable during his time here," Samantha said with a serious tone. They couldn't kick Fredrinn out so they could only serve him well. 

"Yes, Miss Samantha!" 

"Where is he?" Samantha asked.

"I brought him to the fourth Diamond Room," Ryan answered. 

"Alright. I'll go and see him." After saying this, Samantha stepped out of the room with a dark look on her face. 'If that bastard causes trouble again, I will make sure that he will be punished!' She muttered in her heart.


"Woah! We can see the whole market from up here!" Olivia exclaimed as she looked down from the balcony. 

Fredrinn chuckled at her reaction. He had already seen this view many times when he was still a player so he didn't display any reaction. However, seeing the busy market made him feel strangely calm. The intense emotions he felt after recalling that big event slowly subsided. 

While they were enjoying the view, they suddenly heard a series of knocking sounds on the door. 

"Pardon my intrusion, Sir Fredrinn." A woman in a green cheongsam entered and smiled at him. As the daughter of the city lord, she didn't need to address him as 'lord'.  

Fredrinn narrowed his eyes and sorted out his predecessor's memory. After a second of recollection, he finally remembered who she was. It turns out that this woman was Samantha Springfield, the beloved daughter of the city lord. 

From the memories of the previous Fredrinn, he only encountered this woman twice. Once during an important gathering, and the next one was during Roland Firecrown's 50th birthday. The two of them didn't exchange a lot of words during these two events. He also felt that his predecessor was afraid of this woman. 'Ho! To think that even the notorious Fredrinn Firecrown was afraid of this woman. Just what kind of person is she?' He revealed a look of interest after discovering this.

"Miss Samantha, it has been a long time since we have last seen each other." Fredrinn smiled as he greeted her with a fist-palm salute. 

"Indeed. You've grown into a fine man Sir Fredrinn." She chuckled as she returned the greeting. 

"And you've become even more beautiful Miss Samantha." Fredrinn complimented her.

The two silently assessed each other after that. 

Samantha was a bit surprised by his calm and composed demeanor. During their last two meetings, Fredrinn was noticeably affected by her beauty. However, there was only serenity in his eyes at this moment. 

After a few seconds of silence, Samantha smiled sweetly as if she was pleased by his words. She then moved her gaze to the woman beside Fredrinn. 'She is wearing a standard maid outfit so she must be Fredrinn's servant.' She thought.

Sensing her gaze, Fredrinn immediately introduced Olivia to her. "This is Olivia. She is a maid working for me, but I consider her as my family." He said while patting Olivia's shoulder. 

This gentle gesture made Olivia smile from ear to ear. "Greetings, Miss Samantha!" She said as she lightly bowed her head.

Samantha was a bit surprised by this introduction. She squinted her eyes as she observed their faces. 'This woman must be having it hard to be working as his maid.' She looked at Olivia with pity.

She then smiled and nodded to her. "You look young, Olivia. How old are you?" 

"I'm seventeen this year," Olivia answered truthfully. 

'What?! She is still seventeen? This beast is truly inhuman!' Samantha imagined all sorts of things that made her furious, but she still smiled on the surface. 

She tried to hide it, but Fredrinn still noticed the momentary rage that flashed in her eyes. 'I can understand her rage since the previous Fredrinn truly thought about taking Olivia's chastity. He just didn't have the chance to do it since my soul transmigrated into his body.' 

"I see." Samantha almost failed to hold back her anger. Luckily, a series of knocking sounds interrupted their conversation. 

"It seems like our food is here. Why don't we sit down first, Miss Samantha? It would be a pleasure if you dine with us." Fredrinn smiled as invited her.

"Thank you for your invitation, Sir Fredrinn. In that case, I will stay here for a while." To his surprise, she accepted his invitation. He only asked her out of courtesy, but she actually agreed. 

While hiding his surprise, he put on a smile. "Great!" 

As the three of them took their seats, Ryan and a few other staff entered the room to deliver their food and drinks. The performers also walked in behind them. 

Despite her calm look, Samantha was nervous deep inside. She was afraid that her subordinates would make a mistake due to their uneasiness. If that happens, Fredrinn might be displeased and take out his anger on them. 

While she was nervously looking at her subordinates, Fredrinn and Olivia were excited to see the performers perform on the stage. 

After placing all the food and drinks on the long table, Ryan bowed to Fredrinn. "Lord Fredrinn, please you enjoy your food. Our performers will soon enter the stage. I hope that their performances will be to your liking." 

Fredrinn nodded at his words. "Alright. Let them start their performance." 

"Yes, my lord!" Ryan nodded. He then clapped his hand to signal the start of the performance.