Successful Operation

Inside the famous hospital called Eastern Sky Tower, the doctors and medical personnel led Fredrinn's group to one of their VIP rooms. 

Everyone was incredibly nervous, especially the medical team. They didn't expect that the infamous Fredrinn Firecrown would come to visit them. 

Alice grabbed the leading doctor's arm and tearfully pleaded. "Doctor, please do your best to treat my mother! She is all that I have left! I beg you!" 

The old doctor nodded with a heavy look. "We will do our best, miss." He didn't dare take this lightly for this woman came together with Fredrinn. If they ended up failing the operation, their hospital might collapse. 

"This is as far as you can go, Lord Fredrinn. Only medical personnel can enter the operating room. I hope you won't be offended." A young female doctor carefully said. 

"I understand." Fredrinn nodded. "We will wait here." 

The medical team was relieved by his words. If he really forced his way in, they might not be able to focus on the operation. 

Fredrinn sent Olivia a look. The latter noticed his signal and immediately understood his intentions. She then grabbed Alice's arm and brought her to the waiting area. "You can rest easy, Miss Alice. The medical practitioners here are the best in Red Sun City. The old doctor leading this operation is also Doctor Roberts. I'm sure you've heard of him." 

Hearing this, Alice soon calmed down. When she still lived in the main area of the city, she heard stories of Doctor Roberts. He is an elite in the field of medicine and it was said that he is the apprentice of a famous medical expert from the capital. "Is this true?" 

"You can ask, Lord Fredrinn. He is more familiar with Doctor Roberts." Olivia turned her gaze to Fredrinn while saying this.

"Olivia is telling the truth. That old gentleman is Doctor Roberts." Fredrinn nodded with a reassuring gaze. 

Alice's eyes eased up, but she was still worried about the outcome of the operation. 

While Olivia was consoling Alice, Fredrinn stood up and gestured for Darius to follow him.

After walking some distance away, he whispered to Darius. "Return to the estate and send some people to investigate the Snake Gang. Make sure that our people will not be discovered during the investigation." 

Darius nodded with a solemn look. "Is there anything else, my lord?" 

"Tell the servants to prepare a place for Miss Alice and her mother to stay." 

"Alright. Please take care while I'm gone."

The operation started as soon as Darius left. Fredrinn and the ladies patiently waited in the waiting area. They looked at the clock from time to time, checking how many minutes had gone by. 

Five hours later, the door to the operating room finally opened. 

Doctor Roberts and two more medical practitioners stepped out, still wearing their operating gowns. 

Seeing them, the trio immediately stood up while nervously looking at them.

"The operation was a success and we managed to remove the tumor in the patient's body." Doctor Roberts said while adjusting his glasses. 

Hearing this, Alice felt like a heavy burden was lifted off her chest. "Thank you so much, doctors!" 

Doctor Roberts raised his hand. "Although the tumor has been removed, there is a small chance that another tumor will appear. The patient needs to be checked at least once a month for the next three years." He emphasized the importance of the check-up. 

Alice didn't know if she could pay for the treatment of her mother, but she still nodded with a determined expression. 

Seeing the worry in her eyes, Doctor Robers smiled. "You don't have to worry. It's only a small possibility. I'm only saying this to prepare you for what may happen. Also, I will prescribe some medicine for the patient and send it to you later." 

Alice bowed at the doctors.

"Lord Fredrinn, we will send the patient to a more spacious room later. If something comes up, we will immediately notify you." 

"Alright. You have my thanks, Doctor Roberts. The Firecrown Household will remember this favor." 

The old doctor smiled and nodded. "We shall take our leave now. We still need to monitor the patient's condition." 

After the doctors left, Alice slumped into her seat and sighed in relief. "I'm glad that everything went well. Thank god!" 

Olivia patted her shoulder. 

"Lord Fredrinn, I know that I can't pay off this debt, but I will work hard and repay this one day. Just give me some time." Alice bowed in gratitude. If they hadn't come, her mother might have died and she would have been violated. 

"Why don't you work for me for the time being?" Fredrinn suggested. His eyes flashed with an unknown glimmer. This woman would one day become the Winter Witch. If he could get her under his wing while she was still struggling, she would forever remember the favor. 

Alice was stunned. She looked at him and hesitated for a moment. This man didn't have a good reputation and he was known for being a playboy. However, she noticed that there was a huge change in his personality. 

"You don't need to think about it now. Just give me an answer once you are ready. Stay here and look after your mother. I need to return to the estate so we can't stay with you, but I will send some people to help you watch over your mother." Fredrinn still had things to do. There was plenty of time to befriend her. 'Let's take things slowly.' 

"Words can't express how grateful I am, my lord." Alice held back her tears. 

"I wish your mother a speedy recovery. Take care, Miss Alice." Fredrinn and Olivia left after bidding her farewell. 

After they left, Alice headed to the information desk. "Excuse me, I am the guardian of the patient who was recently sent to the operating room. I'd like to ask how much was paid for the treatment." 

"Alright. Give me a minute to make an inquiry." The person at the information desk said.

"Please take your time." She wanted to know how much she needed to repay. 

A moment later, the information desk personnel came back and said. "Miss Alice, according to our records, we received a payment of 10000 Star Coins for your mother's treatment. Lord Fredrinn also put a deposit of 10000 for the accommodation costs and the prescription. That's a total of 20000 Star Coins." 

"20000 Star Coins?!" Alice's eyes widened in disbelief. She didn't expect that the treatment and additional expenses would be that high. 'It seems like I can't repay this debt even if I work for him.' She muttered bitterly in her heart.