Fate Shop

[You received 1 Year of Cultivation Experience!]

[You received 3 Years of Battle Experience!]

[You received 1000 Fate Points!]

Fredrinn was a bit disappointed. He didn't get an elixir this time. 

At this moment, a surge of Qi entered his body, strengthening every fiber of his being. He wasn't unfamiliar with this feeling since he had already experienced it twice. 

Soon, his cultivation steadily increased.

Qi Gathering 7th Layer

Qi Gathering 8th Layer

Qi Gathering 9th Layer

The increase in his cultivation stopped when he broke through the 9th layer of the Qi Gathering stage. 

In just less than a month, he had gone from the 10th Layer Body Refining stage to the 9th Layer of Qi Gathering. He was only a few steps away from breaking through the Foundation Establishment realm! 

After his realm had stabilized, new memories stormed his mind. It was like new data was transferred into a computer. The dizzying process lasted for a few breaths. When the weird sensation vanished, he found out that all sorts of combat methods and experiences were added to his mind. To accurately describe this feeling, it was like he had gone through three years of battle. 

His eyes now radiated with a layer of cruelty and calmness. He had a hedonistic aura before, but his entire demeanor suddenly changed. Now, it felt like he was a seasoned warrior who had seen the brutality of war. 

'The experience was unpleasant, but I did gain some valuable combat knowledge. The reward this time isn't too bad…' He thought with a smile.

After looking at his status panel, Fredrinn finally checked the Fate Shop. 

There was a half-second delay before the screen refreshed. 

Fate Points: 2100 

• Cultivation Method

• Battle Techniques 

• Equipment/Items

• Pets

• Servants

There were five categories to choose from. He already had a cultivation method and a battle technique so he disregarded these two options. He also bought a sword recently so he didn't need any equipment for the time being. Now, there were only two options left. 

He clicked on the pet icon which was in the shape of a puppy head. 

• Golden Maned Battle Horse [Rare](Cultivation: Qi Gathering 10th Layer) 200 Fate Points

• Soaring Red-eyed Eagle [Uncommon](Cultivation: Body Refining 10th Layer) 50 Fate Points

• Savage War Lion [Rare] (Cultivation: Foundation Establishment 10th Layer) 750 Fate Points

Different kinds of magical beasts were displayed on the screen. With the memory of the previous Fredrinn, he could identify some of these creatures, but most of them were something he had only seen today. 

He drooled at the sight of these powerful magical beasts. He wanted to buy one, but having one of these magical beasts as his pet would be too high profile. This was against the code he always followed when he was still a player; being lowkey.

'I'll think about it later.' He thought. He didn't decide immediately because he might find something good in the servant section.

With this in mind, he opened the servant category.

When the screen refreshed, he was stunned by what he saw. 

There were images of humans, elves, and other humanoid creatures as well as their respective cultivation levels and prices. 

After a moment of shock, he soon calmed down. 


Specie: Human

Spirit Root: Intermediate-grade

Cultivation: Qi Gathering 10th Layer

500 Fate Points


Specie: Elf

Spirit Root: High-grade

Cultivation: Qi Gathering 1st Layer

5000 Fate Points


Specie: Human

Spirit Root: Low-grade

Cultivation: Body Refining 10th Layer

100 Fate Points

The most expensive among them was a beautiful elven woman who had a high-grade spirit root. Her cultivation was at the 10th Layer of Qi Gathering. She was sold for 10000 Fate Points. 

Considering her high potential and attractive physical appearance, the high price was understandable. 

He also noticed that elves were generally more expensive than humans. For instance, a human with similar characteristics as the elven woman mentioned earlier was only sold for 2000 Fate Points. 

Fredrinn thought deeply about the underlying reason for this huge price difference. 

'There is a lot of information that are not recorded in their personal data. Their sword talent, elemental affinity, age, battle experience, profession, and many other important traits are not displayed. These factors should be the reason why the elves are more expensive than the humans.' This was only Fredrinn's guess, but he believed that it should be close to the truth. 

Fredrinn took a deep breath before making his choice. 'Having a pet is good, but that can wait. The only choice would be to get a servant, but which one should I choose?' 

After careful deliberation, Fredrinn finally clicked on one of the images.


Specie: Human

Spirit Root: Low-grade

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment 10th Layer

2000 Fate Points

Among all the humans with similar cultivation and spirit roots, this guy was the most expensive. As for what's special about him, he would soon know. 

[Confirm Purchase]

[Yes] [No]

Fredrinn has already decided so he didn't hesitate to click [Yes].

As soon as the purchase was made, a blinding light appeared in front of him. When his sight regained clarity, there was already a scar-faced middle-aged man kneeling before him. 

"Ah!" Olivia screamed when she saw the unfamiliar man.

Fredrinn quickly covered her mouth and made a shushing gesture. 

Seeing this, Olivia nodded, but she was still wary of the middle-aged man. This guy's scar-riddled face made her terrified. 

Fredrinn turned his gaze back to the man. 

He had never spoken a word since he appeared. He just kneeled on one knee with his head lowered. 

"You don't have a name so I will bestow you the name 'Cain'." This name means 'fearless warrior' in his old world. 

When the middle-aged man heard this, a trace of warmth flashed in his eyes. "Thank you for giving me a name, my lord!" Cain's voice was deep and clear which suited his savage appearance.

Fredrinn smiled. Although Cain's cultivation talent was low, he could tell that this man had vast battle experience. 

Olivia was full of questions, but she knew that it wasn't the right time to ask so she continued to read the Mystic Heaven Refining Canon.