Pristine Jade Bracelet

"Thank you, sir!" Felix and Ren looked at Cain gratefully. If it wasn't for this man, they would have perished today. 

Cain sheathed his sword without looking at them. "Let's return to the treasure house." He didn't wait for their reply as he walked off with unhurried steps. 

Felix and Ren stared at each other before they followed Cain. 

"Sir, do you know who those people are?" Felix couldn't help but ask. Few dared to provoke the Firecrown Household. It might not be as strong as it once was, but like they say, an old lion is still a lion. However, those black-robed men didn't even put the Firecrown Household in their eyes. Felix felt their disdain when he mentioned that they were from the Firecrown Household. 

Cain didn't even reply or spare him a glance. 

Felix shrugged helplessly, while Ren sent him a teasing look. 


Inside the treasure house, Fredrinn and the other two were still looking for the item. 

[Cain has broken through the 1st Layer of the Core Formation realm! You received 1 Year of Cultivation Experience!]

As soon as this prompt appeared, Fredrinn felt his chest tightening. 

Qi Gathering 9th Layer

Qi Gathering 10th Layer

When his cultivation reached the peak of the 10th Layer, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He could sense that something was growing right beside his heart. This was the sign of his dantian taking form. Which means that he was only a step away from advancing to the Foundation Establishment realm. 

Fredrinn held his chest with a pained look. 

"What happened, my lord?" Olivia held his arms and looked at him with worry.

"Are you alright, cousin?" Kristine was also worried about him.

"I'm fine. I just suddenly feel dizzy." Fredrinn waved his hand. He didn't tell them about his breakthrough because it wasn't time to reveal himself. 

"Are you sure?" Olivia wasn't convinced. She noticed that his face was slightly pale. 

Fredrinn smiled and patted her shoulder. "Let's continue looking for that item." 

Olivia could only nod her head when she heard this. 

'I can breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment now, but I'll do that once we return to the estate. This place is not completely safe.' Although the treasure house was tightly guarded, there was no guarantee that the people following them wouldn't attack so he postponed his breakthrough. 

"Cousin, I think this item fits your description." 

Fredrinn looked over and saw Kristine holding a jade bracelet. He walked to her side and took the bracelet from her. "Let me have a look." 

Pristine Jade Bracelet [5th-Grade]

- Your Qi and aura will be concealed upon wearing this. It can also block the attack of a Nascent Soul expert once.

"You've got good taste, my lord! This is a jade bracelet that can conceal your aura. We found this from the ruins of an ancient temple so it also carries some historical value." A servant of the treasure house grinned at him. 

Fredrinn lifted his head. This person looked shrewd, but he noticed him looking at Kristine and Olivia with dishonest eyes so he didn't like this person. "How much is it?" He asked with an irritated look.

The servant rubbed his hands as he replied. "It's not that expensive. It's only worth 15000 Star Coins."

Hearing this, Fredrinn didn't bat an eye. 'It seems like the appraisers of the treasure house only know about the concealment function.' Thinking about this, he smiled. If they knew that this item could withstand the attack of a Nascent Soul martial practitioner once, they would have marked it with a higher value. This also worked in his favor so he didn't bother to bargain. 

"Alright. That's fair." He pretended to be convinced and handed the servant a pouch filled with glittering coins. 

The servant's eyes flashed with joy as he weighed the pouch in his hand. With his experience, he could tell that it was the right amount. 'This fool didn't even bother to bargain! I made a killing this time!' He laughed in his heart. 

Fredrinn was also happy to get the jade bracelet for a cheaper price. 

Kristine wanted to help him bargain, but she didn't expect him to agree so easily so it was already too late for her to say anything. 

"Alright. We've got what we came here for. Let's go and look for Cain and the others." Fredrinn handed the jade bracelet to Olivia as he said this. 

Olivia already knew that this was for her, but she was still surprised since this was an item worth 15000 Star Coins. She didn't expect that he would give it to her without hesitation. "Is this really for me, my lord?" 

"Take it. That jade bracelet is too small for me." Fredrinn winked at her. 

Olivia knew that he only said this to keep her secret. She held the jade bracelet and smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you, my lord." 

"Let me help you wear it." Fredrinn took the bracelet and helped her put it on her left wrist. 

"Do you like it?" 

"I love it!" She couldn't conceal her joy when she said this. 

Fredrinn chuckled at her cute response. 

[You managed to find an item that can conceal Olivia's aura and Qi! You received 500 Fate Points! You have unlocked the Aura Concealment Function!] 

Fredrinn was only left with 100 Fate Points after he purchased Cain from the Fate Shop. Now, he had a total of 600 Fate Coins which was enough for him to buy some items. Furthermore, he also unlocked a new system function. 

[Do you want to activate the Aura Concealment Function?] 

[Yes] [No]

The name of the function was already self-evident so he knew what it does. Without hesitation, he clicked [Yes]. 

"Hm? Weird. Something seems different about you, my lord." Olivia commented while staring at him with a confused gaze. 

Kristine had a similar reaction, but she didn't say anything. 

"It's probably because I look more handsome now." Fredrinn shamelessly replied which made the two ladies laugh.