Alice’s Decision

"If you are reading this letter, that means we have already left. I'm sorry I can't say goodbye in person…"

"… You have the potential to become a powerful martial practitioner Thurman. You can't waste such god-given talent. I offer you…"

"… Once you have made the decision, visit me in the Firecrown Household. Just tell the guards that…"

"… I'll see you again soon, my friend." 

Thurman smiled after reading the contents of the letter. "The famous arrogant heir of the Firecrown Household called me his friend…" He shook his head and kept the letter inside his pocket. 


Meanwhile, inside the VIP room of the Eastern Sky Tower. 

Alice grabbed her mother's hand and looked at her with concern. "Mom, how is your body? Does it still hurt?" 

"It doesn't hurt that bad anymore. I also feel that my health is improving." Judith, the kind-looking middle-aged woman, responded with a light smile. After the operation a few days ago, her body no longer felt heavy. If it weren't for the doctor's suggestion to stay in the hospital for three more days, she would have already left. 

"That's great! Now, drink your medicine." Alice looked a lot livelier than before. The bags under her eyes from the constant overwork were slowly disappearing. 

Judith was happy to see her daughter looking more optimistic about life. She couldn't help but recall the man who helped them that day. 

The man who was once hated by her daughter ended up saving their lives. 

"Have you decided on Lord Fredrinn's offer?" She asked while looking at her daughter. 

Alice put down the cup of water and nodded her head. "I have already made a decision. I will head to the Firecrown Household's estate to give him my answer once you are discharged from the hospital." 

"I see. No matter what your decision is, I will give you my support." Judith grabbed Alice's hand and gently squeezed it. 

At this moment, they suddenly heard knocking sounds on the door. It was then pushed open by a woman who was dressed as a nurse. "Miss Alice, Madam Judith, you have visitors waiting outside." 

"Visitors? Are they from the Firecrown Household?" Alice wasn't surprised. In the past few days, servants from the Firecrown Household visited them and helped her take care of her mother. 

"Yes, do you want me to take them inside?" 

"Please let me do it." Alice stood up and smiled at her mother before she headed out of the room together with the nurse. 

Alice was stunned when she saw Fredrinn leaning against the wall. "Lord Fredrinn!" 

Fredrinn turned his head and smiled. "Miss Alice, I'm glad to see you. How is your mother?" 

"She is recovering well. Let's talk inside." 


As they entered the room, Alice stared at Olivia and nodded to her. She then moved her gaze to the scar-faced man who was silently following behind them, but she quickly retracted her gaze. 'Who is this scary-looking guy?' 

"Lord Fredrinn!" Judith was surprised when she saw Fredrinn enter the room. She wanted to get up from the bed, but the latter stopped her. "I'm happy to see you in good shape, Madam Judith." 

"Please just call me by my name, my lord." Judith was already uncomfortable when the doctors and nurses referred to her in that title. Her heart wouldn't be able to withstand it if the heir of the Firecrown Household did the same.

"I see. Please forgive me for being rude. I'll call you Mrs. Frey then." 

Judith nodded. 

"We brought some fruits for you." Fredrinn sent Olivia a glance when he said that.

Sensing his gaze, Olivia placed the platter of fruits on the table. 

"Thank you, my lord." Judith smiled at Fredrinn. 

"You're welcome." 

"I heard from the doctors that…" Fredrinn chatted with Judith and Alice about random matters. Well, it was Judith and Alice who did most of the talking since he didn't know a lot about the local issues. 

"By the way, have you thought about my offer, Miss Alice?" Fredrinn came here for this reason. He wanted to know Alice's decision.

Alice's expression turned serious as she nodded. "If you didn't visit, I would have come to the Firecrown Household's estate to tell you my decision…, my lord." She almost forgot to address him correctly. She cleared her throat and continued. "To tell you the truth, I have already made a decision when you left us here that day." 

"Oh?" Fredrinn looked at her with interest. 'This girl is intentionally keeping me in suspense.' 

"I'm willing to work for you, my lord." Alice stood up and was about to kneel when she stopped by Fredrinn. "There is no need for such formalities. Hearing your words is more than enough." Fredrinn was ecstatic, but he concealed his joy. He couldn't lose his composure here or he wouldn't be able to maintain his dignity in front of his subordinates.

"Once my mother is discharged from the hospital, we will head to the Firecrown Household's estate immediately. Actually, there is one more favor I'd like to ask, my lord." 

"What is it?" 

Alice stared at her mother before turning her gaze back to Fredrinn. "I would appreciate it if my mother is also given the chance to work for the Firecrown Household. I tried to convince her not to work anymore, but she adamantly refused." 

Judith who was listening at the sidelines was a bit embarrassed to hear that, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to remain a burden to her daughter. She wanted to work and help her in repaying the favor given to them. 

"This is just a minor thing. Once Mrs. Frey has fully recovered, she can work as a servant of the household." Fredrinn agreed without hesitation. If Judith wanted to stay in the household, Alice would no longer have the reason to leave. 

Alice and Judith were happy to hear that. "Thank you, my lord!" 

"There is no need to thank me. This is nothing compared to what I…" 

Alice grabbed his hand, making him swallow the words he was about to say. 

"It's alright, my lord! You don't have to think about the past anymore. I have already forgiven you."

Fredrinn smiled lightly at her words.