
[Do you want to use 50 Fate Points to learn the Immovable Sword Heart Sutra?]

[Yes] [No]

This wasn't the first time this system prompt appeared since he got the Pseudo-Apex rank sword cultivation manual. He was also a former sword user during his time as a player so he wanted to learn it. However, after his recent experience which almost caused his dantian to explode, he didn't dare hastily make a decision. 

'This cultivation method is very tempting, but my life is more important. Besides, I should be able to get a more powerful cultivation method once I merge the Ice Revolution Divine Method and the True Sacred Flame Heavenly Tome.' Fredrinn thought over it for a long time before he made a decision.

He clicked [No] with a hint of reluctance. 

"Why do you look so glum, my lord? Is there something bothering you?" Olivia asked when she saw Fredrinn's expression. 

"I'm fine. I just thought about something." Fredrinn smiled and shook his head.