Sixty Six

When it got to Natzin's turn to present her bid, she made her way into the office along with Yujin. As he connected their media to the projector in preparation to show the slides they had prepared, Natzin took a look at the panel of two men and a woman and could not help her surprise at who she saw seated behind the table.

She took a second to compose herself before walking up to them to begin her presentation. As she started to describe the stats of what she was offering and what way she believed the government would benefit from it she looked at Song from a corner of her eye.

She noticed that he just listened ardently to her and made notes in his pad. He acted like he did not realize that she was in the room and she wondered what was going on in his head.

After a heart wrecking twenty minutes she was done with her presentation and she was open to asking questions.