Prologue: 3. Depth

After talking to the cocky bastard, I got out of the quest store. With these 800 gold coins, what could I possibly buy?

It should be enough to get me a cheap working blade, and there's no fucking way I am getting a shiny armor like that bastard with

this damn small amount of money. I started walking towards the market place.

As I reached the market place, there were quite alot of people and shops around me. First I had to go to a blacksmith and ask

for them the cheapest working blade, after looking around for awhile I found a blacksmith that sells cheap weapons for beginner adventurers.

The guy was a normal looking human, middle aged around his 30s, bald guy, and a beard.

"Do you have any cheap blades?" I asked, hoping my money would be enough.

"Oh are you a beginner adventurer? I have some blades that are affordable," he replied

"Uhh... What is the cheapest blade?"

"This, a pair of knife costing 500 gold coins" he said, holding up two sharp-looking knives.

The knives seemed sturdy enough. The blacksmith seemed reliable, specializing in gear for new adventurers.

While the short reach of the knives wasn’t ideal, it was all I could afford. I decided to buy them.

Atleast, now, I hope that my weapons won't break when I try hitting an enemy, like the other time.

I had decided.

"I will take the pair of knives" I said, handing over the 500 gold coins. He gave me the knives along with their sheaths.


With the remaining money, I needed to buy food and find a cheap place to stay. After buying some food, I was left with 200 gold coins.


I felt exhausted but knew I couldn't afford to waste money on an inn as I was already running out of money.

Instead, I decided to take on another quest to test my new weapons and earn more gold. This time,

I needed a quest with a higher reward, at least 3000 coins, therefore I have to go to another fucking adventure.

It seemed like it was almost the end of the day.

This time I'm gonna get a quest with a high amount. The amount they paid for the fuckin slimes was too low, I atleast need around

3000 coins. The 60k gold coins quests are probably for people with guilds... If I remember there was another section for quests,

the section I looked at was posted by civilians, but there was also another section, what was it? Uhh.... Shit, Dungeons?

No never mind, I can't clear out a dungeons by myself I atleast need someone else.

While thinking about doing more quests, I had came back to the quests store with my new pair of knifes. The cocky bastard better

not be in there. I opened the door, the bells started jingling again. I went to check out the quests which I hopefully can complete

without any magic.


- Section 2: Dungeons

- Section 3: By the Government

Huh? Section 3? I don't remember seeing this here... Who cares, but atleast let me check section 3:

'Wanted Dead Or Alive? Arcana Elites Chief, Jalbert Eulphoson'

'High ranking adventurers required: Invade The Arcana Elites HeadQuaters'

"Arcana Elites? What are these? The Demon King army?"

I said to myself in such a low tone that no one would hear. But there was someone who heard me

"If you don't know about Arcana Elites, you musn't be from around here right?"

Said a voice beside me. I turned to see a girl around my age with blonde hair, possibly an adventurer, dressed in an orange tracksuit and holding a staff.

"Uh.. yes"

"So you completely don't know huh? Want to hear out what and who they are?"

"If you would be willing to" I replied

"You know how the spirits controll the magic right?"


"You sure don't know anything"

That's because I'm not from this fucking shitty world idiot.

"I guess the place you came from didn't knew about this but whenever a baby is born into this world, whether it's and elf, humanoid, or a regular

human a spirit is attached to them. The spirit is attached to the person for their entire life, the magic that you control is handed out by the sprits,

the stronger the spirit the stronger magic you get. But the magic that they give are finite, overuse of magic can lead to depletion of mana or even

death sometimes. Once a spirit dies, it's not that the person won't be able to use magic. But rather that, the person dies. Therefore we have learnt

that spirit is the main core of the body. Now here comes the Arcana Elites, even though magic exists, magic users are divided into 3 parts

The Arcana Elites, they are the strongest magic users in the world they have their own organization, they want to kill off every single

being that they see aren't worth living including the 2nd and 3rd part of the magic users. Understood upto here?"

"Uhh... Ya"

It seemed like this world had no demon king, but rather some kind of evil organization huh?

Now I get the reason I wasn't able to use magic.

"So uhh what are the 2nd and 3rd part of magic users?" I asked

"The 2nd part include us adventurers, mages and the seven generals, now don't tell me you don't know about the seven generals?

They are the country's hope, they are the strongest magic users in our country, but even they struggle against the Arcana Elites.

Now on the 3rd part they are civilians with weak magic, they can advance to the 2nd part but most of them don't because it could risk their life.

In our country, even the seven generals are constantly training to advance up to the level of Arcana Elites. So that's the whole story."

Shit, I thought this world was just your typical isekai world with the common template of defeating the demon boss but no?

To make sure let me ask if there's any demon boss or not.

"Are there anything called Demon Lord?"

She looked confused and replied

"Demon Lord? Do you mean the boss of monsters when you raid there base?"

So Demon Lord do not exists after all huh?

"Nevermind then"

"Oh I forgot to give you my name, it's Henao Chifumi"

"Mine's Yuma Tanaka"

"I am looking for some quests, would you mind joining me?" she asked unexpectedly.

Huh? An invitation? A quest?

"Would you mind joining me in a quest?" She repeated

Shit did she just invite me to a quest? Wait I should typically say yes to this right? Why would she invite someone she doesn't knows?

"Uhhh.... Yes"

I fuckin promise the word got out of my mouth, it was a fucking mistake.

"I am just a beginner who's stucked at level 7, so I wanted someone to complete the quest with me. What would your level be?" she asked

They have levels? Oh ya they did have levels, I don't even use magic what could I possibly say?

Let's just say a low level that would suit me.

"It's lower than yours, level 5" I lied, choosing a believable but low number.

"Would this quest be okay?"

She pointed at a quest 'Clear out dungeon of Skelchers, Reward: 40000 Gold Coins'

"Wait only the 2 of us?" I asked, hoping for a larger party.



I have to reject this quest!

"You see I have to go-"

"Let's accept the quest at the counter" she said smiling.


We started walking towards the counter, it was not the same worker anymore rather it was a guy.

"We want to accept this quest, would you give us the pass to the dungeon?" she said.

The worker, a middle-aged man, handed us the quest pass and activated a portal to the dungeon.

Before I had realised it the quest was accepted, and a portal to the dungeon opened...

Shit wake up idiot! You must fucking beat the shit out of the magic users, think of this as a game...

Use you existing knowledge of Isekai world to cheat through it! FUCK LET'S GO IT'S GETTING EXCITING NOW!

My mind, had somehow motivated myself to beat the shit out of magic somehow, probably because

just a second ago I got reminded of that shiny armor bastard, Xander.

I had entered the dungeon, it was some kind of cave with some crystals with it.

The portal behind me closed.

So... You are telling me that I have to complete the quest to get out of here?

"This is the dungeon of skelchers, we must clear it out!" She said

"Dungeon of skelchers huh? Let's show them who's the boss"

Skeletons littered the ground, likely the skelchers. Suddenly, they began to reassemble, forming large, towering figures.

*Cling cling cling*

We were already surrounded by skeletons- no wait skelchers...

Henao used her staff to generate a fire? Okay, she would be handling this pretty easily.

But how am I gonna handle these, I'm already surrounded.... Wait a minute

Their weapon... They have no weapon!? WAIT THIS SHOULD BE EASY AS SQUEEZING A LEMON!"


I shouted to get their attention, but suddenly they started

disassembling, until they had completely disassembled

"What happened?" not knowing what was going on.

At her side she was still fighting the skeletons, but here they just randomly disassembled.

*Cling cling cling*

They started assembling again? They are forming... This shouldn't be hard, right?



"W-Wait it's just the size that's big right nothing change right-" trying to calm myself down.

Before I could react, a sharp bone whizzed past my ear, slicing through the air with a terrifying speed.

Panic set in as I realized the danger. Another bone shot towards me, and I barely managed to dodge.


100% HIT ME! FUCK-

"UGHHHHH!" Shit that fucking hurts!

A sharp bone had already pierce throw me my stomach, leaving a huge hole. As I fell on the ground I said to myself

FUCK- am I gonna die? Like this? THAT'S NOT FUCKING HAPPENING! I tried to stand up, bleeding out of my mouth and stomach.

"YOU BASTARD! YOU HEAR ME? YOU ARE GONNA FUCKING DIE" I screamed, my vision blurring with rage and pain. But before I could move, another bone shot through the air,

this time piercing my leg. I collapsed, my strength failing me.


I fell onto the ground unable to stand up anymore.

Fuck... Oh ya, that guy was probably right. Adventure is not my thing I should go fucking babysit right?

I was too weak, infact too weak to stand against an ant. Am I dying? If yes, I'm glad that I'm dying. Cause this Isekai world

was too much for me to handle. Huh? That's what happens when an average guy thinks that he can be op in an Isekai huh?

Dammit this is embrassing. Oh ya what's that Henao girl doing? Probably mocking at my pitiful death. Fuck this shit

I don't ever want to return here.

I was out of my depth.

Am I dead? I had stopped feeling the pain, I could see nothing, hear nothing, sense nothing. It was just pure emptiness.


A voice appeared out of nowhere in this dark emptiness.

"Who are you?"

"You, anyway you died huh? What a pitiful death... You shouldn't have ignored Xander's advise"

"Shut up you bastard, if you are me what's going on in my world?"

"You have gone missing for a whole week now."

"So am I returning to my own world?"


"You fuckin bastard, out of nowhere I get fucking teleported into a random ass Isekai world without having access to magic.

And I never said I wanted to go to that half baked world"

"You must know that I am not letting you go back to your original world."


"Cause that's not your original world"

"What do you mean?"

"My goal was removing you, you must be removed no matter what"

"Who actually are you?" I asked.

"Your parallel version, your nemesis, the nemesis of this whole world"

"You know what?"

This guy I pissing me off.

"Your last words?"

My last words? Let's see

"Nah I'd win"

End Of Chapter 3

Arc 1 Ended: Prolougue