King of Casinos

Beatrice's heart raced, panic tightening its grip. She looked around desperately, feeling trapped and betrayed.

"But I don't belong in a mental hospital, there must be a mistake! Who signed off on my transfer to the psychiatric facility?" Beatrice protested weakly, her voice trembling as she struggled to comprehend the sudden redirection of her life.

Instead of answering her direct question, the security team continued to justify their actions.

One of the members spoke up, "Mrs. Hawk, the decision was made after a thorough assessment by your medical team. It's been deemed necessary for your safety and for a more specialized evaluation of your condition."


"It's not uncommon for patients recovering from traumatic experiences to have intense dreams. It's part of the healing process. However, we need to make sure that everything is alright, both physically and mentally."

"No! Let me go! Let me go!" Beatrice's cries echoed down the sterile hospital corridor as she struggled against the firm grips of the four staff members escorting her.

Despite their attempts to soothe her with calm and measured words, Beatrice wasn't fooled; her desperation only grew, and she continued to resist, her movements becoming more frantic.

One of the staff members, realizing that verbal reassurances were ineffective, reported through the intercom, "The patient is non-compliant."

After receiving further instructions, the individual reluctantly pulled out a syringe filled with a sedative.

"Please, just relax, Mrs. Hawk. This is for your own safety," the staff member said softly, his voice betraying a hint of regret.

Beatrice, now realizing what was about to happen, redoubled her efforts to free herself, her panic peaking.

"I don't need that! Please, don't!" she pleaded, her voice strained with terror.

However, her protests were to no avail. The staff member carefully administered the injection through her IV line.

Almost immediately, Beatrice felt her body begin to relax against her will, her muscles softening and her struggles slowing as the sedative took effect.

The corners of her vision blurred, and a heavy drowsiness enveloped her senses. As her physical resistance waned, so did her emotional fervor, replaced by a deep, overwhelming fatigue.

As Beatrice was led down the hospital corridor, she spotted Dr. Reynolds, her family physician, standing by the nurses' station.

His expression was one of deep regret and sorrow. Catching her eye, he approached with a slow, heavy step.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Hawk," Dr. Reynolds said, his voice low and filled with remorse. He nodded sadly, his eyes conveying a mix of sympathy and helplessness.

The last thing Beatrice saw before her eyes closed were the blurred faces of the hospital staff, looking down at her with a mix of sympathy and professional detachment.

As consciousness slipped away, her mind was haunted by a profound sense of betrayal and helplessness, the realization that her fate was now completely in the hands of others.


In a lively underground casino, filled with the sounds of chatter and the clinking of chips, stood Cyrus, his blonde hair shining under bright lights and his piercing blue eyes scanning the crowd.

He sat relaxed at a private high-stakes poker table, confidently tossing a big stack of chips into the center.

"I raise," he declared clearly, cutting through the room's buzz.

His crew blended in with the gamblers, always watching, ready to act if needed.

Despite the tension at the table, Cyrus kept the mood light, joking about the dealer's tie, sparking nervous laughter from the other players.

While he seemed carefree, Cyrus was always thinking ahead, strategizing every move.

Cyrus dealt the cards with a flourish, his smile easy but calculating. Suddenly he lowered his voice, leaning closer under the pretense of checking his hand, "I heard you've been looking to move into the East Side."

Tom tensed slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before he regained his composure. "Word travels fast here," he replied cautiously.

"It does when it's my table," Cyrus said with a soft laugh, glancing around to ensure no one was paying too much attention.

"Look, Tom, I think we can help each other out. I have some… connections that could smooth over any wrinkles with your expansion plans."

Tom, now interested, leaned in as well. "I'm listening, Cyrus."

"Let's just say I can make sure you don't run into any unexpected problems. In return," Cyrus paused, his eyes locking onto Tom's, "I might need some assistance with a little import-export venture I'm looking at."

The conversation flowed seamlessly as the game continued. To any onlooker, it was just two businessmen enjoying a night of poker.

But beneath the casual exchanges and laughter, critical deals were being made, alliances forged that would shift power balances in the shadows of the city's underworld.

As the night drew on, their agreement took shape, hidden within jokes and the clinking of glasses.

Cyrus's ability to conduct business under the guise of a friendly game at the casino not only protected him from prying eyes but also allowed him to build a network of allies and indebted individuals across the city.

As Tom stood up, shaking Cyrus's hand firmly, the deal was sealed with a final, mutual nod.

"Looking forward to a profitable partnership," Tom said, a statement filled with as much warning as promise.

"Likewise," Cyrus responded, watching Tom walk away.

He turned back to the table, a satisfied smirk on his face as he gathered his chips.

"Tonight had been a good night for business, indeed."

As the night went on, Cyrus maintained his friendly front, keeping an eye on every exit and newcomer, his mind constantly assessing risks.

His team, positioned throughout the casino, mirrored his blend of charm and threat.

When a new player joined the table, eager to get in on the action, Cyrus welcomed him with a wide grin.

"The more, the merrier," he said, his eyes hinting at a challenge. "Just be ready to play by my rules."

The new player nodded, oblivious to the full scope of Cyrus' control over the room.

The game continued, bets were made and hands were dealt, with Cyrus continuing to manage both the table and his hidden agenda.

As the night deepened and the stakes at the poker table grew higher, the atmosphere in the underground casino became charged with a high tension.

Players were on edge, and every decision felt heavier, every loss more bitter.

As the sounds of clattering dice and cheers shifted to raised voices at the craps table, Cyrus kept his eyes fixed on the escalating argument.

From his seat at the poker table, he leaned over to his right-hand man, Derek, who was keenly observing the situation.

"Looks like trouble at the craps table," Cyrus murmured, his voice low but sharp.