End of Fight

Damian was in the middle of drawing another rune, when the spearman-without his spear rushed directly towards him with expression that spelled doom. However before he picked up speed again, one after another five air blades flew towards him at different angles.

The spearman stopped once again to dodge the incoming volley with all kinds of weird movements. Even though the blades were invisible and the sound was so little, he somehow accurately guessed all the correct paths for the blades.

Damian knew only a few spells that he could really draw right now. He had just started with the most basic spells and had prepared a few for emergencies; like stone bullet, air blade and there was one more which took some more time than the others because it was much more rune heavy. Damian did not really understand the runic structures of these various spells but just copy pasting was something, he could do for now.

Damian once again casts a stone bullet, the running spearman once again dodges perfectly and this time he didn't even spend some time slowing down at all. When only a few meters were left between Damian and the spearman, Damian's spear disappeared and instead he unsheathed his sword and took on the stance of mountain stands alone.

Spearman was without his spear yet from out of nowhere he took out a dagger and threw himself at the black haired boy, trying to overpower him with simply his strength, but instead of getting pushed back the boy received his attack with grace. Deflecting it and using the momentum to attack in return, which was only possible since the spearman was surprised with his sturdy physique. He still readjusted his mindset in just seconds and blocked the attack with ease. However just as he attacked at the opening that the boy was kind enough to give him, the boy opened his mouth and said 'Activate'. Disoriented by what was going on, the attack fell short and the boy managed to parry and push him back a few steps.

The spearman lunged forward once again but a huge pillar of yellow light formed around him and in just another second scorching hot flames came out of a big red magic circle, a few centimetres above the ground enveloping the spearman completely. The spearman immediately jumped backwards, out of the pillar yet he was now on fire.The next second five air-blades pierced through the fire pillar and flew extremely fast at the burning man. The spearman despite being on fire, recognized the danger and dodged; yet two blades still pierced through his shoulder and leg.

Damian didn't give him even a second to rest and charged behind his air-blades with sword in hand, executing moves after moves that baffled the burning man who still somehow managed to block them, yet the more the fire burned him, the indescribable pain was obvious in his ugly mug. When it finally became too unbearable and he made a small mistake, Damian immediately capitalized on it and pierced his heart with one clean strike.

The spearman could not believe what his eyes were telling him, this one dumb brat had managed to do what was supposed to be impossible for half his peers. Ridiculous as it was despite being so young if he was a Lightwalker, he must be on his first job! And he was an Enlightened for heaven's sake! How did this happen? Yet it was the truth. He was going through so much pain that after a while his brain just stopped forming thoughts all-together. The final thought he had was,

'Ah yes finally something cold, the pain will stop now...'

before he accepted the cold embrace of death.

Damian felt disgusted by what he had done, but he had no regret for it. It was necessary for his survival.

Damian looked around to see what was going on. Three knights were fighting while forming a circle around Lucian protecting her, all other knights were on the ground; unmoving. But not just them, the amount of corpses of bandits on the ground were far greater than the knights. Last 7 were attacking the remaining three knights in which one died just as he was looking. Now only two remained, the situation was dire.

Before running towards her Damian threw a glance towards the other battle and saw Thomas still fighting against the spellsword while the other two were dead on the ground. Thomas wasn't looking good either; there was blood all over his clothes from deep cuts and bruises, a particularly nasty wound on his stomach bled profusely, yet he fought with the spellsword with equal strength matching him in his technique. He also looked like he needed help. Damian hesitated for a second as to which side he should go; Thomas at that moment with his one bloody hand pointed towards Lucian. The meaning was clear; The butler had chosen his duty over his life.

Damian felt a lump in his throat, even he was surprised about his feelings towards the kind old man who always smiled at him sweetly. Could he have saved him if he had not cared about his secrets and acted a tad bit faster?

He increased his speed even further and with a vicious strike and overpowered jump, decapitated one of the unaware bandits landing on another burly man while plunging his blade through his neck. The others finally noticed him but it was too late. A huge powerful gust of wind broke all of their balance including the last knight and Lucian. With such an opening Damian slides through the field like an extremely vengeful grim ripper come alive. Piercing people here and there beheading others when convenient, he even literally punched one guy to the death.

They felt so squishy and weak.

When all the bandits finally died Damian immediately ran towards Thomas without even checking up on the Lucian and the last knight.

However it was all for nothing. When he finally reached near Thomas and the bloodied spellsword he saw both of them lying on the ground. An axe going through the spellsword's head while a sword piercing Thomas's chest. He knelt down near him, just looking at his bloody chest heaving up and down. A second later he sensed another presence beside him.

It was Lucian. She held Thomas's hand while looking at his face with tears dripping down her cheeks. She immediately retrieved a yellow potion out of her satchel and made Thomas drink it.

Thomas also felt her warmth and opened his eyes, Gasping for air.

"Ahh... 'cough'.. 'cough'..haaaa"

"Thomas! Thomas don't worry. We will bring you back to Lockwood. You will be healed there."

"It.. 'cough' won't work my lady. Haaaa hah.."

"But... but.."

"It's fine my lady."

"Come on, hurry.. use more potions!.."

Damian shouted at Lucian who just bit her lip and looked away.

"It doesn't work like that." finally she whispered.

"Mas...ter 'cough' Damian.."

"Yes, Thomas I'm here."

"I know we have no right to ask of you this but ahh 'cough'.. 'cough' promise me... please promise me you will protect her..."

Damian looked at Thomas's weathering figure with complicated emotions. He just wanted to run away for gods sake, he didn't possess enough strength to protect people.

"Promise... 'cough'.. 'cough' promise... Me.."

However before Damian could reply Thomas stopped breathing, his eyes became lifeless and his chest stopped moving.

An agonizing, ear-piercing cry resounded throughout the dense forest originating from beside Damian. Damian didn't pay any attention to it, his own chest was hurting like hell, he couldn't say a single word.

A single tear rolling down his young face conveyed all the feelings that he knew hundreds of words would fail him.