Man with The Plan

"Are you joking..? This is your big help..?"

"Where did you even get this child..? His mom must be looking for him..."

"I know he has a young age but I believe in him. And he is willing to help..." said Anthony.

Damian looked at the four Dawnstar knights, none he had seen before. Damian had met their lord Silas but each individual knight wouldn't recognize him. The most mana energy among the four belonged to the guy who was silently observing him without saying anything. With his bald head and an old injury on his right cheek, he looked like a proper bandit that a knight. One good thing about this world was that they did not discriminate humans based on skin color, the bald man had a dark skin and a muscular body. The other two were white humans and the last one was even a winged beastmen.

Beastmen did not willingly serve people, but those few who did were all dangerous people. Beastmen weren't rare, they just naturally had low population due to years of mistreatment by the human hands. Damian was amused seeing how human's just needed another target to discriminate against huh... Even still after so many years since their kingdom was destroyed they were still treated as war prisoners and were mostly able to get menial jobs. There were exceptions of course, just like in everything. With enough strength one could get the deserved respect no matter who you were, commoner, Beastmen, or a kid.

"How are you going to do it..?"

Damian asked while looking directly at the bald man, who just tilted his head a bit and looked him up and down at him.

"Hey you brat! Are you ignoring me...?" Another man with dirt brown hair said.

"Yes, I think he really is ignoring us Cole..." His friend with black hair and botched nose agreed with him.

Both looked ridiculous while making angry faces at Damian as if trying to scare him.

"Do you need my help or should I just go away..?"

"Sorry to judge you, but we can't just trust any random person from the streets boy.." The bald man finally spoke up.

"I don't see people lining up to help... If bringing me raises your chances even 10% why not do it..?" Damian replied.

"You have to prove your worth." The winged beastmen said while walking out of the room as if with what he said the conversation was over.

And it truly was over, everybody else also got up and walked behind him even the bald headed man. Anthony looked at Damian and he also followed them so he also got behind everyone. They only stopped after coming to an empty looking area with abandoned buildings at the very edge of the city near walls.

The winged beastmen and the bald headed man stood on the side as the two men who were constantly joking about Damian finally stopped and unsheathed his sword. The brown haired man stood in front with sword in hand while the black haired man was lazily resting on butt of his spear, they weren't at least ganging up on him. Damian took out his short sword from it's sheath, he had decided to keep his word out since there was a chance that these people might try to capture him.

Seeing Damian not move at all, the brown haired man gritted his teeth and rushed at him. The mana energy in this man indicated that he was at least Enlightened rank, however compared to others on the second rank these guy was on the bit lower end. Even the Enlightened guy he fought who threw the spear at Thomas was more skilled and powerful than this guy.

Damian matched his each sword strike with one of his own effortlessly and on purpose did not attack back and just defended to make the man even more angry and unstable in his judgement. The longer the fight dragged the desperate the guy became and started making more effort to take him down, each sword attack had more unnecessary force behind it, each step back was more furious until finally the man screamed and jumped directly at Damian to overwhelm him with his brute strength. This time Damian did not just defend, he also jumped to meet him in the mid air and after parrying his most obvious attack Damian gifted him a kick on the chest that sent him flying till he crashed into the tree behind and fell down grunting.

"You wanna give it a try..?"

Damian asked the man with spear and was gifted with a restrained smile on his ugly mug in return.

"How could this be..? A kid on his first job defeated a trained Enlightened knight..?" The winged beastmen said while looking at Damian with doubts in his eyes.

"He can if the Enlightened was weak and easy to rile up... Not to mention his feeble sword technique..." Damian replied while putting his sword back in it's sheath.

"That is true... Hhahah... This was entertaining..." The bald man said while turning back and walking away.

The man I knocked up stood up and walked towards everyone while cleaning his clothes and glaring at Damian.

"You two tell him the plan and give him your job, you two will be the part of distraction with us."

"Yes, Captain."

"Yes, Sir."

The winged beastmen and the Bald men left while leaving the two remaining knights behind with Damian.

"Don't get cocky now kid, I was going easy on you.."

"Sure.. sure.." Damian replied.

After that using a stick and questionable drawings on the ground the two 'knights' explained Damian the so called plan. It was simple enough. Infiltration in the knight's headquarters by climbing the walls, then going to the main building where the cells were by sneaking and then they would try to sneakily get the kid out but it was most likely not going to be that easy, in that case the four of them will fight the knights on guard duty to attract as much attention as possible so Damian could get the kid out of his cell and sneak him out of the headquarters while knights will make their own escape and everyone will meet at the abandoned building where they were standing right now afterwards, supposedly there was a way that led out of the city under it's basement.

Of course the plan was full of holes and it relied heavily on happenstance and luck in which Damian had full confidence it will fail him. But it was the best they could do without a proper spacetime mage among them. Damian refused to show his status so they didn't know that he was one, and Damian thought it better not tell them. Not like he could do much spacetime spells anyway. He was sure there were parts of the plan that he wasn't told either. They might still suspect him being of spy for the Faerunia or something.

Damian walked back to his inn after the little meeting and made a plan of his own with much more details and fineness. Then he bought premium quality parchments and drew all the necessary runic spells on it and created some for backup too. It cost him considerable amount of money but it had to be done. If Damian was risking his life, it won't be without him making sure that it was the best way forward.

Finishing with his preparation Damian left the inn and went out to take a walk when he saw or more like heard, a guy screaming on top of his lungs that the king had decreed the execution of the kid three days from now which would be in the main city square at dawn. People were clapping and cheering happily after listening the proclamation and were calling the king just and benevolent.

Damian felt sick in his stomach, so he immediately increased his pace and walked out of the repeating proclamation's range. Finally he arrived at the [Easy Remedies] to talk business, it was necessary for his plan after all. After that Damian met with Anthony alone and they both discussed how they would go forward with this.

The day later five men and a kid were ready at late midnight, looking up at the giant wall before them. If everything went according to plan, after today they will bet no.1 in Faerunia's wanted list.