Preparations 3

Damian couldn't even get close to the people building the wall to watch because the commander was still inside the tent. But he could see them in the distance. The creation of the first layer was going smoothly. The Ashenvale scouts watching this must have been confused as hell.

"When is your turn?" Damian asked Makayla, who was also watching the wall form in front of them.


It was good to have someone with whom he could have a normal conversation in this place. A break from constantly trying to figure out what the next person was scheming was really much appreciated.

"I'm going back to the camp. Are you allowed to... uhm?" she asked, slightly turning her fur-clad, armored body that still somehow managed to highlight her curves.

"No, I'm not."

She nodded and turned around, but then, for some reason, she turned back and gently placed a hand on his head, mussing his hair a little.