
Damian let his body sink into the large wooden bathtub filled with warm water, releasing a satisfying sound. It just felt right. Maybe humans had a suppressed desire to return to the water one day, that's where all life began right..? Or maybe he was just tripping…

Three days had passed since their fight against the Ashenvale third-rankers. They had planned to create a minor problem for Ashenvale to keep them from attacking, but instead, Damian had eliminated one third-ranker entirely, and another had no way to reach them without being caught by the hundreds of scouts spread out across the snow-covered plains. The Eldoris camp was located at the edge of the forest, bordering the Dreaded Lands. Waygates checkpoints were set up along the entire perimeter, forming a circular line from mountain to mountain, surrounding the plains. They had spread out, the main camp was smaller now with just three defense mechanism pillars.