Taking a Life or Two..

The nearby forest and many tents instantly caught fire, and suddenly the entire area became much brighter and more chaotic. Everyone ran in all directions to escape the burning arrows. Mages used spells to protect themselves and the people around them, while spellswords and pugilists attacked the incoming arrows, trying to deflect them. However, most of the victims weren't those with power; it was the mundanes who paid the price for this sudden ambush.

Yovan moved to the center of their back-to-back defensive circle and began chanting a spell. Sam, still focused on the dark forest that was now more visible due to the fire, trying to figure out where the attack would come from. As Yovan continued chanting, Geldric and Jorven punched the air upwards continuously, with Einar slashing streaks of red light in between to defend their little circle from the arrows.

There they are.