This is how Rune Shaper Fights

"What in the hell did you do…?" Old Man Shin asked once the mana extraction process ended, as Damian looked at the blue, glowing dust in his hand.

"I'm going to use your mana stones, is that okay?" Damian asked, spreading the dust on the ground to prepare a basic water blade spell.

"Uh… sure… as long as it helps," Shin replied, still processing what he was seeing.

One potential drawback—or advantage, depending on one's perspective—of this method was the reliance on mana stones tied to specific elemental properties. Using a blue mana stone to cast a fireball wasn't feasible. Technically, it was possible, but the efficiency would only reach 10-20% of what one could achieve with water spells. The mana dust he held now felt different from the one from his trial, that one must be from another extraction process or some kind of special mana stones.