Boys liking stockings, I totally get it~

"By the way, my mom said I don't need to come over tomorrow night," Blair said as he helped him tidy up and put his pants back on. "I asked her why, but she wouldn't tell me. She's being all mysterious."

"Does it have something to do with me?"

"Sometimes Mom does things that are out of the ordinary," Blair replied. "Just give me a call if you need anything."

"It can't be that serious. Auntie always knows where to draw the line." Ethan realized that this was Auntie's way of wanting some alone time with him.

Could it be related to what happened this morning?

This morning was, in a way, a confession.

Was Auntie planning to respond to him?

"Don't get any weird ideas. You're not even in Mom's dating pool," Blair said as he turned to leave. "And a woman in her thirties making moves on her nephew, that's just twisted."

"I'm not having any weird fantasies. How can you accuse me of that out of the blue?" Ethan argued.