This is the adult world

Scarlett always came to the hospital directly after work in the evenings, still dressed in her business attire from school. She only changed into her pajamas before going to sleep.

Her uniform fit her well, but her figure was voluptuous, which made the uniform look quite filled out both in the front and the back.

In her uniform, Scarlett had a visually striking S-curve, adding an extra touch of sexiness.

Ethan got to see his aunt in her uniform every day.

Today, however, his expression was serious as he lay in the hospital bed, silent and uninterested in admiring anything.

"Ethan, you seem troubled," Scarlett said, putting down her workbook and turning to look at Ethan with a concerned expression. "You can talk to me about anything,we're family."

"Auntie..." Ethan hesitated, his speech slow, "Are you really dating Henry?"

Scarlett paused, "Why would you ask that all of a sudden?"