I really want to uncover Auntie's secrets!

Thoughts were tumbling through his mind, one after another.

He heard the squeak of the bed as he got up.

"You can open your eyes now." Scarlett's voice came from beside him, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Ethan opened his eyes and saw Scarlett's graceful figure walking into the bathroom.

Between his feet lay a roll of sheer black stockings, skillfully folded yet still embarrassingly conspicuous.

Ethan, holding them in his hand, flashed a look of embarrassment and quickly grabbed a prepared milk glass bottle from nearby.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Scarlett's face turned red as she picked up the showerhead to rinse her feet, cleaning them first to avoid Ethan's gaze.

Staying in the hospital room, she felt almost as awkward as Ethan.

On the hospital bed, Ethan quickly stuffed the stockings into the clear glass bottle. The 250ml bottle had a wide enough neck to fit the rolled-up stockings.