The Gates

[You have gained access to your Innate Domain.]

'Innate Domain?'

Sheldon then chanted:

"Elder Ones, tell me about my Innate Domain."

Almost instantly, the Song replied:

Innate Domain: [Crimson Forest]

Description: [As time moves on, the Crimson Forest will be the embodiment of your perilous journey to divinity. Your life will turn to darkness. The only vibrance available to the likes of you is blood, slowly being painted into your life. The dead bodies of your foes will forever be at your disposal. The screaming souls will find the Crimson Forest as their habitat. They too will turn to darkness, giving you immense power at the cost of your sanity.]

Inhabitants: [N/A]

'That's more of a curse than the blessing an Innate Domain is said to be,' Sheldon thought to himslef. 'Well, I got an entire city to explore!'

Sheldon made his way to the city, which was by far the biggest part of the Time Rift. before him was a large, wooden gate with beautiful patterns burnt into it. Two heavily armed guards were protecting the city. Their armour gleamed in the light, sending shivers down Sheldon's spine.

Sheldon was hiding behind a bush, gathering leaves to do something risky.

'I hope this will work.'

He then proceeded to walk to the gate, saying:

"Hey, can I get in?"

The guards seemed to murmuring something to each other's ear. Sheldon suspected that they were gossiping.

One of the guards asked:

"What're you wearing, boy."

Turns out, Sheldon was wearing a makeshift short made of the azure leaves of the forest. His KSG-12 hanging on banana fibre.

"Just some leaves, nothing serious."

The guard on the left then replied:

"Well, come in, but you'll have to switch that out for something else."

Sheldon then said:

"Yeah, sure."

Sheldon then walked into the city. He slowly turned back to the gate, watching it close. He gripped his KSG-12 well and started approaching the gate.


Sheldon dashed forward, carrying the dust as he goes. He lifted his shotgun up and aimed for one of the guards. Tentatively pulling the trigger, he missed the shot. Sheldon has very bad aim, unfortunately.

'Man I should've bought something like a sword or a dagger!'

By the time that thought slipped through his mind, the two guards had already unsheathed their swords and lunged at him. Fortunately, Sheldon dashed back, dodging their strikes.

The young teen shifted his focus to the one on his left.

'Holy! Holy! Holy! HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!'

Sheldon felt something inside him, bursting with energy, come forth. It was unlike anything Sheldon had ever experienced. It felt as if a second "Sheldon" appeared out of nowhere and dedicated its life on motivating him. His energy suddenly fluctuated.

'Is this what they call, an adrenaline rush?'

Sheldon's theory was indeed correct. He was experiencing an adrenaline rush.

Sheldon then got closer to the guard and hit a low stance.

'Come on! Come on1 Come on! COME ON!'

The guards sharp katana was on its way to decapitate Sheldon. It grazed his neck, allowing blood to flow from the wound.

It took almost all of Sheldon's strength to lift up the gun and pull the trigger. Blood suddenly spurted from the man's heart.

Sheldon had claimed his first victim.

Instantly the Song said:

Rewards: [Postponed, still in combat]

Before Sheldon could finish reading, the remaining guards blade flashed in the air, injuring Sheldon's dominant shoulder.

'Shit! How am I supposed to handle a shotgun with one hand?!'

Sheldon was slowly losing hope. Without the support of his dominant arm, his combat capabilities would be severely reduced.

But his adrenaline rush was still active.

Using all the strength on his legs, Sheldon dashed towards the remaining opponent. In the next moment, Sheldon's eyes widened with horror. His life flashed before his mind. He was reminded by all the ups and downs of his life at that moment. Instead of boosting Sheldon's power, it just made him weaker. After all, he wasn't some anime protagonist; he was just a weak, aspiring teenager.

"He disappeared?!"

Instantly, his perspective changed. He was looking directly up at the guard. The guard was standing on top of him with his foot on Sheldon's neck. His arms were up in the air preparing to finish the job.

"It's called a Speed Blitz, idiot," the guard replied. "You might perform it one day, one day in your next life that is."

Sheldon then told him:


The loud sound of a gunshot echoed in the entrance. The guards body flew away due to the force of the shot.

"Holy shit! I did it!"

The guard did not realise it at first, but as he was yapping, Sheldon was lifting his, now broken, arm.

Ignoring the pain, Sheldon jubilantly said:

"Now I'm gonna receive something! Elder Ones, what do I get?"

Action: [Slaying two warriors of the Grade 3 Power Level]

Appraisal / Rewards: [2 Mana Keys, namely: Shadow's Elixir and Nightmare Blade] [GRADE INCREASED]

Tempo:[25 / 120]

NOTE: [You can check both the visuals and descriptions of a Mana Key(item) in your Innate Domain. To enter your Innate Domain, simply chant, 'Elder Ones, take me into the (insert Innate Domain name).'] 

"Elder Ones, take me into the Crimson Forest," Sheldon chanted.

He was, once again, dragged by shadow. This was no surprise to the aspiring teenager; mostly because he's been visiting the Crimson Forest a lot. He was quite familiar with the place. The only problem is that he's never interacted with his replica, but he learned that they are called Echoes. Sheldon arrived in the Crimson Forest, not bothering to interact with his Echo.

The Crimson Forest, no matter how familiar, still gave him eerie vibes.

'Looks like they're hiding the Mana Keys.'

This statement seemed true until he stumbled across a new path.

'Huh, this is new.'

He decided to follow this new path. Up the road seemed to be Japanese infrastructure -- the types of buildings you would see in the Heian era. But Sheldon didn't know what Japan is, considering that he lives in a completely different world than ours.

Sheldon then noticed the huge sign saying, "MANA KEYS".

'I didn't expect it to be in the open.'

He ventured into the building to find his two new Mana Keys.

"Ah! There they are!"

Before him was a display of his newfound Mana KEYS. He decided to inspect the Shadow's Elixir first.

"Elder Ones, tell me about my Mana KEYS."

Mana Keys: [Shadow's Elixir] and [Nightmare Blade]

[Shadow's Elixir]

Rank: [Grade 2]

Type: [Elixir/Potion]

Description: [Upon consumption, your assimilation with shadows grows stronger.]

[Nightmare Blade]

Rank: [Grade 3]

Type: [Weapon(Odachi)]

Description: [Born from the shadow of a dying star, the Nightmare Blade weeps of its forgotten father. Adopted by Yatagarasu, the Nightmare Blade kills those who wield it. However, its trial may just earn you the Song's respect.]

'Damn, I can be the lucky one!'

Sheldon then held the elixir and gently touched the lid.

The Song's soothing whisper filled his ears:

[Would you like to consume the Shadow's Elixir?]

Sheldon thought about it at first. As a child, healways wanted to become a flamecharm manipulator, and now, he has been presented the choice between manipulating flamecharm and becoming a shadow caster. He also knew that consuming the elixir would increase his chances of manipulatng flamecharm; instead, it would increase his chances of becoming a shadow caster. Still, the choice remained to be his. It's not like the Song is weaving his fate.

It was also at this point that the Song started growing weary of his sudden pause.

With his answer thought out, Sheldon said:
