Elara Romani

Eiravyne just couldn't say a thing for a while.

She never even thought of having someone touch or kiss her and now she was going to be forced to have sex with a monster .

"The bastard did the same to my sister," Elara whispered, her voice trembling with suppressed anguish.

"He seduced her, impregnated her, and then he... killed her. Don't ask me about why I am still working here with them ....I am just ...I couldn't let this slide like everyone told me ....They act so devilish and when the same thing happened to their sister, they acted like... like she mattered more.??"

Eiravyne gazed at Elara with sincere empathy, her heart heavy with the weight of shared sorrows.

Eiravyne didn't even know the whole story about them taking their revenge for their sister , she didn't know why they blamed her father but she knew one thing …she had to save herself .

She gently held the hand that rested on her cheek and softly uttered, "I am so sorry for what happened to your sister….these people are monsters…I never met a person who enjoys drinking blood and performing magical spells..they are damned !"

Elara, appreciating the genuine sentiment, tightened her grip on Eiravyne's hand.

With a somber expression, she earnestly advised, "Miss, you should think about yourself now. Tonight... you have to be strong, stronger than ever." The gravity of the impending ordeal loomed over them.

Eiravyne, left alone in the stifling atmosphere of the room, felt a surge of urgency.

The revelation from Elara had pushed her to the edge, and the imminent threat of the accelerated ritual compelled her to consider escape.

Every moment counted, and she needed to find a way out before the night unfolded its horrors upon her.

Her mind raced as she assessed her surroundings, seeking any opportunity for a hasty departure.

The desire to break free from the clutches of the Romani family fueled her determination, and she began formulating a plan to escape the looming nightmare that awaited her.

As Eiravyne remained confined in her room, the devilish smiles of the Romani family, etched with sadistic pleasure, lingered in her memory, haunting reminders of the abyss she found herself in.

The relentless onslaught of flashbacks fueled her desperation, pushing her towards a dark resolve.

In the solitude of her suffering, the idea of revenge evolved into something more ominous—an urge to annihilate the Romani bloodline and make them taste the agony they had so mercilessly imposed upon her.

They enjoyed taking her blood each night, clapping their glasses filled with her blood as a celebration, then smiling sadistically with smiles filled with stains of her blood .

"You relished it, didn't you? The taste of my blood, the sick enjoyment you derived from it. Well, I'll ensure that tonight marks the end of your wretched indulgence. This will be the last time you ever savor a glass filled with my blood, any blood , to be precise,"

Eiravyne declared, her words dripping with anger, confidence, and a cruel determination.

Within the confines of her room, the very substance of her pain, her own blood, seemed to mock her.

It became not only a symbol of her torment but also a potential instrument for retribution.

Eiravyne grappled with the notion of turning the Romani family's gruesome enjoyment into a weapon against them.

The lines between victim and antagonist blurred, and beneath the surface of her tortured psyche, a chilling determination simmered.

"I'm putting an end to this," Eiravyne asserted with unwavering resolve. "No more nights of reveling in my suffering. Tonight, the tables will turn, and you will taste the bitterness of your own deeds."

Eiravyne eagerly awaited lunch, the anticipation building within her as she counted the moments until Elara returned to her room.

As soon as Elara stepped in, Eiravyne's eyes sparkled with a newfound confidence, and she spoke with determination, "I want poison."

Elara, taken aback by the unexpected request, couldn't conceal her shock. "Poison?" she echoed.

"Yes, poison," Eiravyne affirmed, her gaze unwavering.

Intrigued and concerned, Elara inquired, "What do you want to do with it?"

A sly smile played on Eiravyne's lips as she disclosed her plan, "I want to put an end to all of them."

Elara's eyes widened in fear as she grasped the gravity of Eiravyne's words.

The maid, now visibly shaken, stammered, "Miss Eiravyne, you can't... This is too dangerous. You shouldn't take matters into your own hands..."

Eiravyne said: "Dangerous? What more can they do to me that they haven't already done? I've endured enough torment, and now it's time to turn the tables."

Elara, torn between concern and fear, tried to reason with Eiravyne. "But, Miss Eiravyne…There must be another way….I fear that you might hurt yourself,"

Eiravyne, however, remained resolute. "They deserve no mercy. I won't let them continue to revel in their sadistic pleasures. This ends tonight, Elara."

Elara hesitated, torn between concern and fear, but Eiravyne, with unwavering determination, spoke persuasively, "You don't have to actively participate. Just bring me a poison, the kind that acts slowly. It should buy me enough time – time until it circulates through my veins while I'm still conscious. Time until they consume the blood and succumb to its intoxicating effects. This is my only chance to inflict any harm on them, Elara."

Elara hesitated, torn between concern and a growing understanding of the depths of Eiravyne's Plan.

"But, I don't think that you thought this through…if you do this …then ….you are going to hurt yourself too …not just them …Miss Eiravyne, there must be another way. I cannot stand the thought of you harming yourself for them again…this is madness!."

Eiravyne gently placed her hand on Elara's shoulder, a gesture of reassurance. "Elara, I appreciate your concern....but ….I can't…I can't let him do this to me …and certainly…not to anyone else..I'm willing to take this risk for my own sake …. You don't have to worry about me ….the Romani family killed my entire family and I will not rest until…they are all dead"