Her bruises...

Eiravyne's breath hitched as his words settled in, each one slicing through the air like a knife. 

She felt a cold sweat break out across her skin, the gravity of his revelation pressing down on her like a physical weight. 

She tried to pull her fingers free from his grasp, but his hold was relentless.

He leaned closer, his face inches from hers, his eyes wild and unblinking. "I needed to be the one who took his life, Eira. Do you understand?" 

His voice was a low growl, the madness within him barely contained. "He deserved to feel my wrath, to see the face of his executioner."

She shuddered, her voice barely a whisper. "You're scaring me."

His lips twisted into a cruel smile, the kind that held no warmth. "Good. Maybe now you'll understand the depths of my anger, the betrayal you did." 

He released her fingers abruptly, then with a firm palm, he pushed her face back to rest against his shoulder, forcing her to meet his gaze from below.