Her period

For more than two days, Eiravyne diligently followed Ilkar's instructions without any additional guidance from him.

 Each night, she found herself engrossed in the books Martha brought to her room, staying up late to absorb as much knowledge as she could.

 Despite her efforts, she couldn't shake off the lingering fear that they might still try to take her blood. At times, she even wondered if they refrained because they perceived her as too frail. 

These thoughts remained mere hypotheses, lingering in the shadows of uncertainty.

However, the third morning, Eiravyne woke to so much pain.

 As she tried to rise from bed, she was immediately struck by a wave of exhaustion that seemed to weigh down every limb. 

Her muscles throbbed with dull pain, exacerbated by the relentless cramps that twisted through her lower abdomen.

 A persistent headache pulsed behind her temples, making even the slightest movement a daunting task.