A Mysterious Death and Imran's Riddles

The next morning brought a new headache for Captain Fayyaz. The situation was such that he had to get directly involved in the matter. Otherwise, the matter would have gone to the civil police first. The issue was that a young man's body was found about one or one and a half furlongs away from that terrifying building. The body was dressed in brown pants and a leather jacket. According to Imran's instructions, Captain Fayyaz had assigned a squad of constables to keep watch over the building again the previous night! Their report stated that no one had approached the building at night, nor had they heard any sounds in the vicinity. Yet, a body was found a short distance from the building in the morning.

When Captain Fayyaz was informed about the body, he began to wonder why Imran had suggested posting armed guards around the building.

Upon arriving at the scene, he examined the body. Someone had shot the deceased on the right temple! The constables informed him that they hadn't heard any gunshots the previous night.

Captain Fayyaz, feeling flustered, headed towards Imran. His mood was terribly agitated. He wondered what would happen if Imran started reciting the nonsensical poetry of Mir and Ghalib instead of providing a proper explanation. Sometimes, Imran's absurd talk made him want to shoot him, but what would happen to his reputation? All his fame was due to Imran. Imran had solved many complex ceses for him so far. In any case, Imran did the work, and Fayyaz's name appeared in the newspapers!... This was why he had to tolerate everything about Imran.

Imran was found at home, but in a strange state. He was combing his servant Suleiman's hair while giving him motherly advice. As soon as Fayyaz entered the room, Imran gave Suleiman a punch on the back and said, "Hey, why didn't you tell me that morning has arrived?"

Suleiman laughed and ran away.

"Imran, when will you ever become a proper person?" Fayyaz said, collapsing into a sofa.

"I don't see any benefit in becoming a proper person!... However, I would certainly like to become a police inspector."

"I couldn't care less if you go to hell, but tell me why you posted guards at that building last night."

"I don't remember anything," Imran said, shaking his head in disappointment. "Did I really do something like that?"

"Imran," Fayyaz said angrily, "if I ever seek your help again, may I be cursed a thousand times over."

"A thousand is too few," Imran said seriously. "Add some more, and I might try to think about it." Fayyaz's patience ran out, and he shouted, "Do you know, this morning a body was found a furlong away from there?"

"Oh no!" Imran started smacking his face.

Captain Fayyaz continued, "You're keeping me in the dark, and I don't know what you're trying to do. If the situation worsens, I'll have to handle it, but it will be a huge hassle. Someone shot him in the right temple, and I can't understand who did it."

"Who else could it be other than Imran?" Imran muttered and then seriously asked, "Were there guards there?"

"There were... I arranged it last night!"

"The guards' report?"

"Nothing! They didn't even hear the sound of a gunshot."

"That's not what I'm asking... Did anyone try to enter the building yesterday?"

"No... but I was talking about the body."

"Keep talking! I'm not stopping you! But also answer my questions. What about the caretaker of the grave? Is he still there or has he disappeared?"

"Imran, for God's sake, don't annoy me."

"So, Ali Imran M.Sc., Ph.D. doesn't want to have a conversation."

"Why are you so obsessed with this crazy person?"

"Alright, let it be! Now tell me more about him."

"What should I tell you? I've already told you... He didn't seem like a bad person from his appearance. He was handsome and young, wearing a leather jacket and brown pants!"

"What?" Imran was startled. He looked at Fayyaz with pursed lips, as if about to whistle, and then sighed deeply.

"'Without fear, love leapt into the fire of Nimrod.

Neither did any servant remain, nor any benevolent one.'"

"What nonsense," Fayyaz said irritably. "First of all, you don't even remember the verses correctly, and secondly, this isn't the right time for them... Imran, if I had my way, I'd shoot you."

"Why? What's wrong with the verse?"

"I'm not interested in poetry, but the two lines seem disjointed... For heaven's sake, talk about something useful. I don't know what you're up to."

"I'll talk about something useful tonight, and you'll be with me. But don't remove the guard from there for even a second... One of your men should always be present in the caretaker's room! Now go... I've already had my tea, otherwise I would have entertained you more. Oh, and send my message to the one-eyed lover that the rival has been dealt with! Everything else is fine."

"Imran, I won't let you off so easily! You have to tell me everything right now and this instant."

"Alright, listen! Lady Jahangir is going to become a widow!... After that, you will try to arrange my marriage with her... Got it?"

"Imran," Fayyaz suddenly became extremely serious.

"Yes, boss."

"Stop the nonsense. I'm going to make your life miserable."

"Oh, really? And how, dear Fayyaz?"

"Very easily!" Fayyaz said, lighting a cigarette.