Chapter 8

"How dare you... you need to be punished."

"I am sorry I couldn't hold on anymore."

"You will learn." That was all the woman had to say before two huge men came and drag Lily out, she begins to scream because something about this felt bad and no good but what can she do she venerable and useless at the moment and she felt her voice fade as she was taken to a dark room and was strip as she yell but no one came and all she could say was why? but then who cares who will answer those questions when even fate has rejected her and as she was laid on a long table naked, she felt the pain from every whip on her skin, her butt, her back it was all paining and with every whip hatred grew more faster and stronger in her heart after some time she was watch with cold water but the blood was still there so was the scar and as she glares with anger her eyes red from the tears, she felt like fear, the once naive girl was now gone and replace with complete hate and as those tears roll down so was her all her pain after some time the woman came in with a satisfying grin on her face as she squat Infront of Lily ready to mock her. "Look at you so pathetic, that's how wicked this world is now you understand that weakness only bring pain... look at me, look at me Lily." she yell, and Lily look at her with hatred in her eyes and then she laughs, her pupil turns black and white as she spoke. "How dare you touch me." her voice like lighten like three in one and for some reason it brough fear to once self she got up to leave she felt a powerful force stop her she tries to use her powers, but it was of no use and it was then she felt something leave her body and it was her soul and she scream so loud that her voice was heard from afar and then she stop and she felt something unexplainable like her mind was at ease like she was finally cherishing the good things in her life and wish she had enjoy it to the fullest and a smile fell on her lips though her soul was being pull from her body which mean death is at her door just then the mistress came in with shock on her face as she saw Lily mouth was open and was sucking the woman soul and as she try to stop it but her power too was weak against Lily and all she could do was watch as this naive girl take away her close servant.

Lily was not herself at the moment as her mind reminded her of what was going on she felt something like a force something she couldn't explain stop her and then there was ropes surrounding and begin to whip her the pain was so severe that she fell to the ground that was when she let go of the woman soul and her eyes was back to itself and so was she but she felt weak and her eyes close slowly, she felt her body being drain and in pain.