Chapter 11

The same strange man was found in a huge palace in a tub fill of water with his manhood standing proud and tall with his head resting on the tub.

"Ooh Lily I swear if I ever find you, you will be screaming with pleasure as I enter your cave hard and fast." he said as he began to record all what just happen with the finger that was in Lily cave in his mouth while his other hand moves up and down on his manhood.

"Yes... Lily ooh... Lily, I want you hmm..." he said as he sucks on his finger enjoying her scent and her fruitful water.

When he was done, he looks out his window with a wine glass in his hand. "Where are you, Lily?"

The slave center

Lily opens her eyes hoping to find herself in chains but instead she found herself on the softest bed ever she almost thought she was still in her dream only to heard that voice she could never forget.

"You are awake." 

Lily looks at the woman sitting in a chair next to her with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"Why am I here?"

"Is that how you greet your mistress."

"Sorry Mistress, how is my mistress feeling."

"Good you have learned well... now explain to me what you just did to one of my fateful and close servants."

"I don't know how it happens I swear all I know is that I wanted to kill her."

"Good that's what I want from you... I want you to kill them, kill those who want to harm you."

"Why are you encouraging me mistress."

"I was once like you being taken advantage of, but I learn to protect myself and I am training you to do so for yourself."

"Is that why you are training us and if we fail, we get to be strip naked and flog? is that your way of teaching I found it rather unfitting."

"Haha, you fascinate me with your naive mind, and it might get you kill one day."

"Try me mistress."

"You have change?"

"Let's just say I wake up mature..." she said with a grin on her face and as she walks to the door she turns as she heard a clap from her mistress.

"Will my mistress allow me to leave?"

"You have learned, go or you might miss training."

"I wouldn't want that."

"Mistress why didn't you punish her." a woman said from behind the curtain.

"She is special Nana."

"You like her."