Chapter 16

Lily took bath and went about to do her daily duties with Julia since both of them were the only want who loses all the time, they were punished to be clean the entire quarter's ground.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing just thinking about something."

"If there was a man here, I would have said you are in love but there isn't, so I suggest it's something else." Julia said in confusion why would Lily be smiling when everyday her life is put at risk more than any of them, she sometime pity Lily since she was the only one who always get flog or worse among them.

As Julia and Lily sit to eat Rena (the mistress' daughter) and her crew came to pester them. "Look at these losers, you both are better off dead."

"Leave us alone Rena we don't have time for your little show." Julia said

"So, you have grown wings now Julia, but I will be the one to cut it off."

"I'm a mermaid I have tale not wings." Julia said and Lily try to stop her from getting into a fight.

"Leave her alone, just ignore her you know if you two break up into a fight you will be the only one who gets punish." Julia looks at Lilt before taking her seat with a huge sigh.

"Such a loser." she said pointing at Lily and now all eyes were on her and then came whisper, but Lily felt unmoved and stay silent waiting for Rena anger to lead her to touch her and as Rena was about to slap her the mistress came in. "Rena follow me."

"Mistress?" Rena looked frighten like she was looking at hell door.

"Look mistress your daughter is causing trouble again, should I intervene?" The teacher asked.

"No Rebecca."

"Mistress there is something strange about this girl."

"I agree and I can't wrap my finger around her magic or what she is."

"Let us be patient mistress time holds it all."

"Well said."

"Rena follow me." the mistress said as she appears in the mist of smoke and call out to her daughter in the coldest tone ever her voice was so hardening that one might think she was about to kill the person her voice holds so much authority and fear and it draws out everyone attention.

When Rena and her mother left the room Lily saw Julia smiling like she has seen a sack of gold. "Perfect."

Lily and the rest went to sleep as always in her dreams Lily would be introduce by her stranger and the loveliest sight, she has ever seen but tonight it was different horribly different tonight it was all blank all darkness no more paradise or handsome stranger but complete darkness and in that darkness she saw someone or something like a monster surrounded by a fire but it looks purple and she ask. "Who are you?"

"It seems your lover has abandoned you Lily he left and now you are all alone that's just how I love it."

"Who are you?" she yells in fright

"Don't be afraid Lily for I am you me and you are one."

"What have you done to him?"

"Nothing, he decided to leave us Lily..."

"Leave me alone." Lily cries out but the voice keeps on multiplying and repeating the same words over and over. "Mika, Mika, Mika."