Chapter 19

"Ace, Ace I am coming in." Dash said as he slowly opens the door to see his brother room all mess up and broken and his heart felt somewhat hurt and he couldn't believe his once strong and decent brother was now becoming or already is the person he hated the most, weak and vulnerable.

"Ace you can't be like this."

"I told you to never enter my room didn't I Dash." his tone was deep and authoritative, and Dash was a bit shaken his brother has never use such tone on him before and it was then he felt useless, he wanted to hug him tell him it would be alright, but he couldn't he wanted to, but he felt his conscience holding him back but why?

"You can't be like this."

"Get out.... Get out NOW!!" his line came out like a roaring lion in rage.

And Dash was now in panic mode what to do what to do this question rotates in his mind like spinning wheel.

"Ace do you remember the girl in your dream that you have being looking for one of my men has found her."

"What?" his voice was a bit gentle this time

"Yes, I know where she is and if you are ready to see her you know where to find me."

"Get out Dash ash." Ace said in a low tone like he was being polite completely different from what he first sounded like.

Dash smile as he knew his trick work seeing that his brother seem clam and in thought and polite towards him again, as he walks to the door to open it Ace call out.

"Dash wait."


"Never enter my room again." and just like that Ace left to his bath chamber in his room and Dash let out a huge sigh as he left his room.