Chapter 21

"Please Lily please don't let this one out." Julia pleaded to her friend knowing very well it was all in vain because Lily has already made up her mind.

"Why do you even try Julia you know I won't dance for those disgusting creature, look at the situation Julia in or out of this slave center we will still be slave there's no way out."

"There is you are just afraid."


"Yes, you are, just admit it you are afraid of taking risk, so you just want to live your entire life in this pit hole go ahead but don't think I will with you." and just like that Julia left ragging with anger, she wasn't anger because Lily want to remain in here forever she was angry because she was tired of seeing her friend suffer outmost tortured everyday just because she is so stubborn.

As Lily sits on a chair next to the door her mind begins to wonder, maybe Julia was right she was afraid because she doesn't want to end up being hurt but like Mika had once said. 'If one wants to live a good life, they should be ready to take risk.' as her mind drifted off in thoughts she finally came up with a complete decision.

"Julia." Lily said slowly enter the room Julia went into and saw her all dress up ready for her dance.

"What do you want?"

"Can you choose something nice for me?"

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

Julia couldn't hide her smile she quickly took Lily to the dressing room where the other girls where and as Lily enters the room all of them were so shocked to see Lily in the room as Lily watch the other girls looked at her as they whisper in each other's ear.

"This one will look perfect on you."

"Purple, why?"

"I don't really know but I think purple look good on you."

"Lily, you look so much beautiful." one of the girls said. and the other nodded and Julia smile was widened from ear to ear she was so proud of herself.

"Why do you look like you are the one wearing the dress." Lily said to Julia.

"I just love my creation that's all."

"You made this dress."

"Yes, you like it?" Julia asked and Lily nodded.