Chapter 3: Deceit Has a Toll

His words were tightly gripped on the nun's chest with the worry of being punished or being found out. That much could amount to being kicked out of the convent, her and Lorelai together especially, since the convent couldn't have possibly anything done with a mere civilian.

Sister McKinney subtly bowed, her hand above the other, clasped together before her. "I did, Father."

The priest could have only stared at the young woman. She was a mess, unfit for the convent, he thought. His eyes glued on the inches of her appearance, Yvette had only felt being scrutinized and it was hellishly uncomfortable. He had his arms crossed, his head high making Yvette feel vulnerable being looked down upon and damn, he looked like he possessed the devil's eyes, she thought.

"I'm terribly sorry, Father, does this count as a trespass?" There was no other way to divert the swarming feeling of discomfiture gnawing on the invisible wall of the atmosphere, Yvette could only wrap her fingers around the ambience with the armor of her derision. "Against who?"

The priest listed his head on the side. "Who do you think you have sin against?"

Yvette scoffed, she was certainly unhappy how this certain God's child was going against the flow of her trenchancy, she was scornfully leaving caustic remarks and this priest could have only answered in any way, fending all of her goading off.

She had her head near his chest due to his height, and Sister McKinney could only watch as if she was glued on the ground or completely frozen.

The priest gulped, for whichever reason that was for, Yvette wouldn't want to even know. A priest's thoughts couldn't have possibly concerned her.

Yvette had her eyes shift to the nun who was in awe, but it wasn't a good thing. Her pupils were trembling and so were her body, but she had nothing to look at, so why? She had nothing to look at — no one but the priest.

Yvette could not catch why she was sweating like crazy, her chest left also a visible remark of her heart pounding hard against the wall of her ribs as if it was such a difficult situation.

"Sister?" Yvette voiced out but it looked like she was in a trance. The civilian had thought that she looked like she was some kind of bluetooth which had disconnected from the world, or comparably a robot which had ran out of batteries. There are many things she looked like, looking mightily frozen from where she stood.

The priest sighed, putting his hands on the pockets of his pants. "You are in grave trouble, young lady. Tell me what's the true intention behind this."

Yvette threw air from out her lungs, poking mullock at the priest. "I bet you're feeling that I'm taking a piss out on you due to my gesture, but I have never thought that such holy ground could be so unwelcoming. I should feel being feted in such places, no? Especially since I'm a scandalous and yet grave sinner. Isn't it how you could help with me being forgiven by the Lord?"

His thick brows met with the other, his forehead creasing in the middle. Slowly, it went back to its accustomed mien, mellowing out the tensed expression going across his countenance. "I feel shame to have you feel that way..."

Yvette lowered her head a bit, her eyes peeking up at the man's tall poise. He had his tongue clicked as he shook his head briefly before driving his gaze back to her. "...but you are incredibly suspicious, especially that I have seen you sneaking about and following the couple postulants around."

"Father Akilah?" A sweet, tiny voice comforted Sister McKinney finally, she arose from the indulgence in between the exchange of words between the two. She had no idea whatsoever, Sister McKinney had the notion that she was bringing the two to come to a standstill during those moments but Yvette probably had a different memory of what she really was at during the time.

"Lorelai," Yvette groaned. "Finally, I was getting sick of all this bullshit."

"Shhh-" Lorelai gently slapped Yvette's face. She couldn't possibly embarss herself having a sister who had her tongue a semblance to the prince, Satan.

"What?" Yvette had a tone defensive creeping from her throat. "Anyhow, you didn't tell me that you grow sassy priests in the monastery."

Lorelai had no time to answer, she did not want to make an issue out of her defending her sister's faults. She meekly lowered her head toward the cleric. "My deepest apologies, Father Akilah. I will bear the responsibility of my sister's presumption and the deceit we had caused."

Yvette scoffed. "How lowly should you bow to your God if that's how low you bow to him who isn't even supreme, at all?"

Lorelai shot a glare to her younger half, oh, how she sometimes wished she had a mute for a sister. Yvette could not be capable of ever shutting up, Lorelai concluded.

The priest bobbed his head downward, sighing. He pretentiously kicked the air on his foot as if there was an invisible pebble on that solid ground. Yvette's face could only contort in disagreement of what this man do.

Damn, he may be beautiful but he's bad, not in a good way too, she mentioned in the bubble up above her head. He might have hit his head growing up, he must have had it rough fulfilling the future of being a priest.

"Whatever you're thinking about, I do not like it," Father Akilah interrupted, his pointing finger right to her face.

Yvette clenched her palms on both sides of her waists as she peered at the man wearing the cassock. "How did you know I was thinking?"

The reverend had only disregarded her and went his way to pull Lorelai out the situation. Yvette was shocked seeing how his arms fully clasped Lorelai's arm, surely she grew malicious thoughts as for an ovethinker.

"I never needed an explanation for your deceit, Sister Lorelai." He had his voice toned down almost as if it was just soundless air seeping from his mouth. "But with all that we have in this place, keeping your sister here longer would provoke the devils we try to contain. People like her can stir the thirst — his thirst. For your sister's sake, keep her away from here."

Lorelai shook her head hearing how worked up the priest was for his warning. There was something going on.

She had always stuck with the bond of Father Akilah with her, he was an eccentric man but he was kind. Lorelai knew how much potential he had if he was not as temperamental, that was one thing he couldn't vow a promise with to keep for the Lord, but she placed so much faith on this man. Having him stress over this could possibly mean that the situation inside the monastery was already becoming dire as they speak.

"Father," Lorelai enunciated softly. "Did something happen?"

He shook his head regretfully, sorrow crossed his eyes painting his countenance with a sad tomorrow. "Father Patricia had never released himself yet."

Father Akilah ruffled his hair into a mess as he disrupted his peace with the stressful situation occuring which he had been trying to keep for himself, as especially promised by all the clerics of the monastery. "Once another priest dives into that pool and never returns, I'd be falling in line until every exorcist priest we possibly know gets consumed by the murky waters. I'd be next and I'd despair for I am incompetent. I couldn't possibly exorcise a being living directly under there."

His eyeballs shook as if he had been unnerved, his clasp on her arm grew firm, dreading his position. He could be killed! That devil can never be fend off, these were his initial thoughts. His fear had been gnawing on him badly to even let him go. "I've never had a peaceful night ever since."

Lorelai looked at him with so much worry. This priest was so young, he could have retired from his work but he was stubborn enough to continue on despite the fact that he would be bringing his nightmare with him up until now. He had nowhere to go, perhaps.

And he was punishing himself for it.

His fingers tapped the pants of his cassock, uneasiness kept its beat. He was sweating as if his glands had been crying although the day was not as hot as it normally would.

The monastery could be found nearby the rocky road, distant from the city and surrounded by pines and the woods. This much trees wouldn't have made him feel sweaty depending on the humidity around it.

"When I faced that devil, I was sure to run and return as fast as possible," he whispered. "Because I was never sure whether he will even give me the right to live. I have been damned for these past few months for fearing that devil more than I rever the Lord."

Lorelai's expression grew sorrowful. Father Akilah had no one to talk to, he was young so he hung his trust on Lorelai's shoulders. The woman never failed at it. She could have only felt sorry for the man, there was no other thing she could do to make him feel better.

"I can never face that devil. No, never again."