Stay With Me

"Wait,wait,wait,wait." Angela mutters with her eyes widening."What do you wanna start up that I have no idea about."

"Wait.Thomas you didn't tell her." Ramon said with a shocked look gazing at me.

"There was nothing to tell. It's not as if I'd agree to what you proposed" I added looking at Angela.

"Baby,it's nothing Important"

Angela muttered " then tell me about it,you know we can't keep things from each other."

"Fine,it's my fault for not filling you in on this. Ramon here proposed to build a machine that'd easily help and reduce production time in the furniture factory." I replied.

Angela glanced at me "But that's a good thing right,your company would grow even faster and better than what it is now."

"Nope, I disagree. You know I hate machines, furniture making is art on its own and machines can't do art,they don't have human creativity,and you can testify to that right?." I said looking at Angela.

"Fine,fine,fine,if I talk about this anymore it would just lead to an argument." 

Ramon leaned back in his chair, glancing at me "Thomas I just want to do it as a way of appreciation for fixing my bike.they aren't many mechanic workers in the city."

"It's no problem Ramon,it wasn't much of an issue." I smirked, goosebumps rising from my arm,I took a deep breath in,my heart beating with a mix of pride.

Angela and I exchanged glances"So that was why you had oil grease on your shirt."

We took the last bites of our meal,the flavors lingered on our tongue. We pushed back our seats and stood up.

"I call you guys a taxi to take you home," Ramon said, pulling out his phone.

The cold night air met us as we stepped outside.

The taxi drove towards us waiting for our destination.

I sighed "Another A.I. taxi "

"Look alive." Angela said with a sudden tap to my butt.

We climbed into the taxi,the traces of air freshener filled the small space and the seats were warm against the body as we settled in.

"To street." Angela said.

We waved our hands towards Ramon as he disappeared Into the night.

We drove down the city as the city lights and buildings flashed like swift memories.

I felt a sudden cold touch on my hand "whatcha thinking about." Angela shrugged.

I took a deep breath. "Nothing, just normal work stuff I've got to handle for tomorrow."

"Why don't you think about me then." Angela biting under her lip with a predatory gaze.

She moves towards me,slowly sitting on my lap leaning forward for a kiss.

We kissed passionately as I unbuttoned her shirt,I gave a slight bite on her neck as she gave out a slight moan.

I slowly opened my eyes looking ahead of the road.

"Wait,this is the wrong road." I said, trying to push Angela away.

"It's going the right way." Angela pulled herself towards me.

"No, this road leads to the badlands where all the thugs live. Angela stop for a second and look."

Angela paused looking at the window"car changed route towards the highway."

"I'm sorry,there has been an error."the car's dashboard lit up as it spoke in a robotic voice."

"Return to the freeway, destination home." Angela said.

"I'm sorry. There has been an error" the car said.

Angela's eyes lit up "Press the brakes."

The car accelerated suddenly, pushing us back to our seats.

"We're moving too fast."

The car moved swiftly dodging the vehicles on the road,The car sped forward, its headlights brightly showing a brick wall at the end of a small alley-way, a dead end moving closely with each second.

I swiftly stood up, pushing Angela towards her seat,my hands trembled but quickly strapping her seat belt around her.

The car rushed into the way,I flew through the windshield shattering the glass with my body swiftly hitting the wall as I let out a loud scream.

I gazed at the shattered glass with an unclear sight."Angela are you okay." I said stuttering.

The car was quiet," Angela can you hear me,I'm coming alright everything's going to be fine."

I swayed my hand towards my chest gripping it " I'm hurt badly,I can't get to her like this."

A sudden voice broke the silence "I see, You're trying to play the hero."

I gasped for air,I crawled towards Angela's seat."This is bad,this area has a bad reputation. I've got to be quick."

"What's the hurry?. Aren't you at least going to say hello?. How rude of you." It said sending chills down my spine.

I hurriedly looked around,my heart pounding swiftly repeatedly, trying to see the figures through the cloud of smoke.

Drones swiftly flew by scanning the area."Medical attention needed.please evacuate the area." The drone said in a robotic voice above us.

"Let's get this over with." Another voice said.

I crawled quickly, blood spilling from my body caused by the broken glass. Every movement I took sent pain through me, but I couldn't stop. I had to reach Angela.

"Please don't hurt can take the money and anything else you want." Angela crawled out of the car as the haze of smoke cleared.

"Aren't you a pretty one," a voice echoed through the atmosphere.

Slow, frightening footsteps approached Angela, each step sending a shiver down her spine as tears filled her eyes.

"You stay away from her, you bastard, you hear me."I screamed.

"Please don't hurt us." Angela stuttering.

A man dressed in black approached Angela,as he pulled down his mask, his lips curled into a predatory grin. He raised his gun directly pointing it steadily at her. "You know," he said, "you are one fine piece. Hate to say it, but... you're going early."

A loud bang shattered the atmosphere's tensity. Angela's body shook as the bullet tore through her,her eyes widened in shock,as she fell to the ground,as she struggled and gasped for air.

My eyes widened in shock" Angela!.".I screamed as I heard another loud bang,a piercing force pushed through my skin to my spine. I let out a loud scream as tears and blood flowed out of me.

The footsteps faded into the night.

"Baby, look at me,look at me,it's going to be fine just stay with me." I pleaded, looking at Angela as her breath came in gasps and I watched helplessly as life drained from her eyes.

Tears flooded my eyes down to my face as I held onto my consciousness. Just before everything went blank, I heard the distant sound of police sirens.

Beeping sounds filled my ears, I struggled to open my eyes as the gloom of sunlight pointed directly into my eyes from the window.

Another memory surfaced—her gentle touch as she bandaged my hands after a kitchen mishap, her eyes filled with both worry and amusement. I could almost hear her voice, soft and reassuring, "You're always so clumsy, but that's why I'm here."

A tear slipped down my cheeks as my memories continued to wash over me—the quiet nights spent in each other's arms, the shared dreams, and whispered secrets. Each moment replayed with painful clarity, a stark contrast to the cold, clinical world around me.

My eyes open slowly looking into the sunlight.

"Where am I?What happened?Was it a bad dream?." I asked myself questions with my eyes squinted looking directly into the sunlight.

"Oh my God, he's awake. I'll be right back sweetheart let me get the doctors." She said,

"Mum,I think I'm fine, just relax."I stuttered.

She leaves the room waking swiftly as tears fill her eyes "doctor, he's awake." she screamed.

"I wonder where…." A sudden flash of what had happened swiftly hit me.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I clutched the blanket tightly around my shoulder as I sobbed.

A warm voice and relaxing touch laid on my shoulder "it's okay, everything is going to be fine ."

"Mum, where is she don't tell me she's gone,who would have done such a thing to us?."

"Just rest up,we'll tell you everything when you've recovered."

The door knob tweaked a bit, opening slightly as a man dressed in a white coat and a lady in scrubs walked in gazing at me as the atmosphere in the room got tense.

"I see you've recovered Mr Thomas, that's good news, but I've also got bad news,would you like to hear it now or later on."

"I'll listen to what you have to say now "I quickly replied.

His eyes widened looking at his paperwork,his face turned pale. He gazed at my mother beside me nodding his head slowly.

"I'm what?, I didn't hear you the first time." my eyes widened in shock.