The Black water army gree hopeful after all the Variable was erasing their foes but Valmus remaining somber and solemn there were things he could see that others couldn't and for the first time since he left the bubble he felt a chill run down his spine for he had truly birthed an Abomination.
He could see a Divine Spark filled with Both Pure and Corrupted Divinity, he could see a mass body of Anima, Miasma, Corruption along with its opposites which were Ethos, Mana and Purification.
He did not know how but the Failed Abomination be wanted to create was no more, he had unknowingly accelerated the Dark Factions experiment and birthed something even they couldn't imagine possible.
A being that touched upon both spectrums of energy, a being who could become immune to both spectrums if given enough time to grow, a being of chaos.
He had inadvertently orchestrated the birth of chaos without his knowledge or intent, but that wasn't the worst of it.