The Army broke out of its fear and hurried away, they could not face the abomination that emerged and they therefore chose to flee with only the General chosing to stay along with the priest, priestess and a few others.
The Dark Faction had long since retreated their goal already met as the Village was already in flames and ruin. Corpses of man, monsters and other beings were loitered everywhere but no one paid them any attention for the living were trying to preserve their own lives.
Valmus approached the thirteen or so people who remained and chose to die trying to fight the Abomination. Inwardly he was cursing them for their actions after all he knew his deal with Chaos was one with apparent loopholes.
He had the God Vow to weaken the Abomination for him to kill, this meant that for anyone other than him fighting the abomination meant hardening the already herculean task. He therefore approached them hoping for their understanding.