The kingdom of Elaria was a place of bustling activity and vibrant life. It thrived under a system where each individual had a unique skill that contributed to the kingdom's overall strength and prosperity. The streets were always alive with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, artisans crafting beautiful items, and warriors practicing their combat skills.

The kingdom was a patchwork of talents, each person bringing something valuable to the table. Yet, amid this tapestry of skills, Zian stood out in a way that was far from enviable.

At eighteen years old, Zian's unique skill was "Memory Recall." This ability allowed him to remember every detail of his life with perfect clarity. Conversations, faces, events—everything was stored in his mind as if it were happening again. While this might have been seen as a fascinating gift in another context, in Elaria, it was regarded as useless.

The kingdom valued combat prowess and practical magic, and Zian's ability didn't fit into those categories.

Growing up, Zian faced constant ridicule. His peers mocked him, calling him "the boy with the useless skill." Even his family, who should have been his greatest supporters, regarded him with a mix of pity and disappointment.

His father, a respected warrior, and his mother, a healer, could hardly hide their embarrassment. His siblings, all with more "practical" abilities, excelled and received praise, while Zian was left to fend for himself in a world that had little use for perfect memory.

Despite the scorn, Zian found solace in his memories. He would often retreat into his mind, reliving moments of joy and comfort. The warmth of his mother's embrace when he was a child, the sound of laughter with friends before they turned their backs on him, and the peaceful moments of solitude by the river—all these memories were his refuge. They were his escape from a world that didn't understand or value him.

However, the tranquility of his inner world was shattered one fateful day. Rumors began to circulate throughout the kingdom. Whispers in the market, quiet conversations in darkened taverns—all suggested that Zian was a spy for a rival kingdom. The accusations were baseless, but they took root quickly in a society that already viewed him with disdain.

Those in power saw an opportunity to rid themselves of someone they deemed worthless. They spun a web of lies and deceit, orchestrating a series of false accusations that painted Zian as a traitor.

Zian was bewildered by the sudden turn of events. He had lived his life quietly, never causing harm, yet now he was being accused of the most heinous crime. His attempts to defend himself fell on deaf ears. The people, already predisposed to think the worst of him, were eager to believe the rumors. It wasn't long before the kingdom's guards came for him.

Dragged through the streets in chains, Zian faced the jeers and shouts of the crowd. People who had once ignored him now looked at him with hatred and disgust. His heart pounded with fear and anger, but he held his head high, knowing that he was innocent. The guards brought him to the royal court, where his trial would take place.

The trial was a farce. Zian stood before a panel of stern-faced judges who had already made up their minds. The evidence against him was flimsy, built on lies and manipulated facts. His pleas for justice were drowned out by the baying crowd outside. The verdict was swift and brutal: death by execution.

As Zian was led to the executioner's block, he felt a profound sense of betrayal. His perfect memory replayed the events of his life over and over. He saw the faces of those who had shown him kindness, now twisted with fear or indifference. He remembered every act of cruelty, every harsh word.

The injustice of it all burned in his chest, mixing with his fear. As the executioner's axe fell, his last thoughts were of vengeance and a desperate wish for another chance.

When Zian opened his eyes, the harsh reality of the execution block was gone. Instead, he was surrounded by warmth and softness. He was no longer an eighteen-year-old boy but a newborn baby. He was cradled in the arms of a woman who looked at him with love and tenderness. He had been reborn, and to his astonishment, he retained all the memories of his past life probably due to his skill.

In this new life, he was named Mordred Stadra. As he opened his status window he discovered that he still had his unique skill, "Memory Recall." But there was something more: a new skill called "Thought Acceleration." This ability allowed him to process information and think faster than anyone else. It made him exceptionally intelligent and quick-witted, a stark contrast to the boy he had once been.

**NAME:** Mordred Stadra

**AGE:** 0

**UNIQUE SKILL:** Thought Acceleration, [Memory Recall]

**MANA POWER:** 2590

**ATK:** 17

**DEF:** 15

**AGI:** 21

The sight of his mana power, which was far higher than anything he had in his previous life, filled him with a sense of awe and possibility. The potential he held in this new life was immense. But even more surprising was the presence of his Memory Recall skill. It had carried over from his past life, a constant reminder of the boy he had once been and the injustice he had faced.

As Mordred pondered his new existence, a wild thought began to take root in his mind. If he could retain his memories and skills through death, what would happen if he kept being reborn? Would his stats continue to improve? Driven by a desire for vengeance and an insatiable curiosity, Mordred made a drastic decision. He would kill himself repeatedly until he had gained the power he needed to exact his revenge.

For the next few years, Mordred embarked on a journey of self-destruction and rebirth. Each time he was reborn, he would find a way to end his life and return with better stats.

The process was exhausting, filled with pain and despair, but Mordred was relentless. He endured thousands of deaths, each one pushing him closer to his goal.

With each rebirth, his stats improved. His mana power soared, his physical abilities became superhuman, and his skills grew sharper.

Through each death and rebirth, Mordred's resolve hardened. The memories of his past life fueled his determination. He remembered the faces of those who had wronged him, the cruelty and injustice he had endured. He was no longer Zian, the boy with the useless skill.

Finally, after ten thousands of

Rebirths, He checked his status window.



AGE: 0



ATK: 15

DEF: 17



He opened his newly obtained skill'COPYCAT" to check how it functions.



Allow the user to copy unique skills of other unique skills holders if mana and will power of the user in higher than the opponent.

Chance of sucess on first attempt-30%

NOTE: The chances of sucess will be doubled with each repetitive attempt.


Although his stats were low,

Allen was astonished after seeing the skill,he could hardly believe but nevertheless he was ready.He had the power, the skills, and the determination to seek revenge.