New threat

As Eren's kingdom grows, so does the story of his conquests and the terrifying power he wields. But a shadow is moving away from Ellaria. Rumors began to spread that a dark force was gathering, a powerful body intent on challenging Eren's growing empire.

One night, when Allen and his friends were gathered in the hall of Relis Palace, Kira suddenly arrived with urgent news. "Allen, we have a problem," she said, her voice oddly strained.

Allen lifted his head, adopting a loud but cautious stance. "What's wrong, Kira?"

"A new threat has emerged," Kira explained. "His name is Kyle, and his power is far beyond anyone we have met so far. He has the special skill 'Void Mastery,' which allows him to harness and control the void of his being.

Void Mastery is a skill steeped in mystery and fear, and its destructive power is unmatched."

"Kyle has taken control of many cities in the east," Kira continued. "His power grew rapidly, and his followers are very loyal. We must act quickly. We must gather all the intel we can on Kyle and his army. We must understand our enemy before we can defeat him."

They share disturbing news: Kyle is not only very strong but also very smart. His mastery of the void allows him to walk through shadows, making him nearly impossible to track or predict. Impressed by his will and energy, his followers are loyal and well-educated.

Eren met his best friends again. The tense atmosphere shows that the situation is serious. "Kyle is unlike any enemy we've faced," Eren began. "We need to take this matter seriously. Serafina, can you think of some countermeasures for Void Mastery?"

"I will do my best, Eren. Void Mastery is very rare and powerful, but I will find a way."

"We have to be prepared for anything. Kira, keep records. We need to know what Kyle's doing." Kyle is a formidable foe and will predictably cause destruction. Allen knew he had to deal with this new threat, but he also had to have a plan.

Kyle continues to get stronger as the weeks go by. Tensions rose as his troops began to push into Allen's territory. One night, while Allen was in his room reviewing reports, Kira entered quietly. "Allen, there's something you need to see," she said and handed him a piece of parchment.

Allen opened the letter, squinting as he read it. This is Kyle's statement to challenge Allen to a contest. The terms were simple: If Allen won, Kyle would resign. If Kyle wins, Eren's lands will come under his control. "He's very confident," Allen said, a sneer forming at the corner of his mouth. "But he underestimated me."

Kira looked worried. "Allen, Kyle is very strong. Are you sure?"

"I have no choice," Allen replied. "If I don't confront this, it will be seen as a sign of weakness. We can't afford that."

Allen prepared carefully, learning all of Kyle's abilities and creating an attack plan with Serafina's help. The day of the duel arrived, and the air was filled with anticipation. Allen, dressed in battle fatigues, stood in the middle of the hall, scanning the shadows for signs of Kyle. His friends looked at him with anxious expressions on their faces.

Kyle emerged from the darkness, his face majestic and terrifying. His eyes glowed with a strange light, and the shadows around him seemed to respond to his will.

"Allen," Kyle greeted, his voice cold and sarcastic. "You think you can defeat me? You're nothing compared to my power."

The battle began with a violent exchange, pitting Allen's strength and agility against Kyle's mastery of space. Kyle moved with great speed, cutting through shadows and attacking, dealing massive damage. Allen responded with his fighting skills and quick thinking, anticipating Kyle's moves and countering with calculated force.

Despite his best efforts, Allen found himself facing Kyle's overwhelming strength. Each of Kyle's blows seemed to weaken him, sapping his strength. But Allen's resolve burned brightly. He had faced adversity before, and he would not back down now.

As the battle progressed, Allen began to see a pattern in Kyle's movements. He used his quick thinking ability to predict Kyle's next move, proceeding to stagger him and hit Kyle with a surprisingly powerful blow.

For a moment, it seemed like victory was near. However, with a wicked smile, Kyle unleashed a relentless wave of energy that filled the entire hall. Shadows twisted and turned, and Allen felt himself being pulled into the darkness.

"Your end is near, Allen."

However, Allen used all his strength to continue his fight, his strength and will eliminating the gap. In an attempt to end it all, he stepped out of the shadows and landed a decisive blow on Kyle. Kyle fell to his knees, his grip on space beginning to change.

"Allen, this isn't over yet," he said. "You may have won the battle, but the war is not over."

Allen stood up, his chest heaving with effort. "We'll see," he answered coldly. "Now leave and don't come back." The scene was quiet as Allen's teammates rushed to help him.

"You did it, Allen," Ella said, her eyes filled with relief and admiration.

"This is just the beginning," Allen answered with a determined look on his face. "Kyle will come back, and we need to be ready. Our enemies are strong, but so are we. We won't give up."

Allen looked ahead, knowing his path would be more challenging. But with his friends and unwavering determination, he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. The Kingdom of Ellaria would belong to him, and nothing would stand in his way.