Shadow of conquest

### Chapter 15: Shadow of Conquest

Rodrik's conquest sent shockwaves through Ellaria. News of Allen's victory spread quickly, and his name began to be whispered with fear and awe. While he had a reputation as a powerful and ruthless leader, he knew that this was only the beginning of his journey to absolute domination.

Celebrations and preparations took place in Relis. Soldiers and people were happy with Allen's return, but they were all aware that the coming war would become even more intense.

Allen stood in the main hall of the castle, the map of Ellaria spread out in front of him. His leaders met to discuss the next steps.

"Rodrik's army is broken," Seraphina reported. "But there is still some resistance. We must eliminate them."

"Kyle is still out there; we can't let our guard down," Allen said.

"Our next target is the Kingdom of Astrid. Their resources and positions are vital to our campaign," another advisor added.

"Sir, we received a tip from a spy. Someone has seen Kyle near Astrid's border."

"So he's already moving. Let him come. We'll crush him and anyone else who gets in our way," Allen declared.

Encouraged by recent victories, Allen's army acted with precision and determination. When they reached the border, the landscape changed from rolling hills to dense forests.

When they camped that night, Allen invited his close circle to a meeting. The tent was filled with soft light, casting long shadows on the allies' faces.

"We've got to be smart about this," Allen said. "Kyle is a dangerous opponent, and he will not be alone."

"Do you think he's allied with Astrid?" Leora asked.

"He might be," Allen replied. "Or he might be using their land as a base. But we must be ready for anything."

At dawn the next day, Allen's army entered Astrid. The forest was eerily quiet, the trees casting long shadows. They moved cautiously, knowing that Kyle could attack at any moment.

When they reached a clearing, a figure emerged from the forest. It was Kyle, dark magic crackling around him like a dark aura. A group of Astrid soldiers appeared behind him, grim determination on their faces.

"Allen," Kyle called, his voice filling the air. "You don't know what you're dealing with."

Allen stepped forward, sword at the ready. "I'm ready to find out."

The sounds of battle filled the air as Allen and Kyle's armies clashed. Allen's speed allowed him to move swiftly, cutting through enemies with precision. The war effort strengthened their troops, boosting their morale and power.

Kyle's void magic was a force to be reckoned with. He summoned darkness to strike at Allen, but Allen's agility and strategic thinking kept him ahead. Their battle was a dance between light and darkness, each step fraught with deadly intent.

As the battle raged, Allen noticed a figure watching from the edge of the clearing. It was a woman with sharp eyes and a calculating mind. She bore Astrid's mark, indicating her importance.

Allen knew he couldn't lose focus. He kept his attention on Kyle, their swords clashing violently. Kyle's power was immense, but Allen's determination was fiercer.

Allen's final blow was powerful enough to disarm Kyle, his sword knocking the dark wizard's weapon away. Kyle stumbled, a look of shock on his face.

"You can't... you can't," Kyle breathed, his energy drained.

"It's already over," Allen replied coldly.

With Kyle defeated, Astrid's remaining soldiers began to flee. Allen's army continued their attack, driving them back. The battle was won, but Allen's eyes fell on the woman at the edge of the clearing.

He walked forward with a small smile on his lips. "Well, it seems the rumors about you are true."

"Who are you?" Allen asked, his voice cautious.

"My name is Evelina," she replied. "I think we'll have a lot to discuss."

Later, Allen met Evelina in her tent. She was a senior member of Astrid's court, and her knowledge of the kingdom's inner workings was invaluable.

"Astrid is not as united as it seems," Evelina explained. "If approached correctly, there are factions within the court that will support your cause."

"Why should I trust you?" Allen asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Because I see potential in you," she replied. "The potential to reshape this land according to your vision."

Allen considered her words carefully. "Very well. But understand this, Evelina: if you betray me, you will regret it."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

With Evelina's help, Allen began to lay the groundwork for his conquest of Astrid. He knew the next battle would be harder, but his resolve was unyielding. He would conquer Ellaria piece by piece, and no one would stand in his way.