Zian Returns

### Chapter 17: Zian returns

Astrid's fall marked a turning point in Allen's campaign. His soldiers celebrated their victory, but Allen realized that this was only the first step in his grand plan to conquer all of Ellaria. The throne room, now occupied by their leaders, became the center of strategic planning and a concentration of power.

Evelina proved her worth once again, and her influence helped establish a vital collaboration with Astrid. But Allen's doubts remained. He watched her carefully, knowing that her goals might be intertwined with his own.

While Allen was sitting on Astrid's throne and looking at the reports, a messenger came into the room; his face was pale and his eyes were wide with fear.

"My Lord, there is news from the Northern Territories," the messenger said breathlessly. "An army is marching towards us. Their leader calls himself... Zian."

"Bring him here."

A few minutes later, a hooded figure was escorted to the throne. The figure pulled back his hood, revealing a young man whose eyes burned with anger and determination.

"I am Zian," the man announced. "I'm here to take back what's mine."

Allen's eyes narrowed. "Do you dare to confront me?"

The man sneered. "I am not just anyone. I truly am Zian. I have returned to take revenge on those who wronged me."

Allen stood up and looked at the impostor. "Prove it," he demanded.

The man stepped forward and began speaking, sharing details about Zian's life that only the real Zian knew. He described the special circumstances of his trial, the faces of his accusers, the sense of betrayal—these were all too accurate. Allen felt a chill run down his spine. This man knew too much.

"How is that possible?"

Evelina stood at the edge of the room, looking more pleased than surprised. Allen's heart was beating rapidly. Had someone hijacked his memory? Or was there another explanation?

"Who sent you here?" Allen asked loudly.

"No one sent me," the man replied. "I found my way back. Now I want to reclaim what was stolen."

Allen stepped down from the throne and drew his sword. "Then you will die again, Zian."

The man smiled, his voice cold and ominous. "You can try."

A fierce battle ensued. Their swords clashed within the throne room; every blow was direct and lethal. Allen's quick thinking allowed him to predict his opponent's moves, but his opponent was also intelligent, with attack speed and power that were incredible.

As they fought, Allen suddenly realized that this man had the wisdom and talent to match his own. The impostor seemed to know Allen's every move before he made it.

Finally, Allen disarmed the man with a powerful blow and knocked him to the ground. He held the sword to the man's throat, his eyes filled with anger.

"Who are you?" Allen asked. "How do you know so much about me?"

"I told you, I am Zian. And you, Allen, are a liar."

Allen and his advisors were shocked. This impostor could undermine everything. The leader of the campaign supported Allen and called himself Zian. Allen's anxiety grew, knowing that whoever this man was, he posed a serious threat. There was more to this than met the eye.

One night, while Allen was writing and reviewing reports, Evelina came to him. "You look distressed," she said.

"The impostor knows too much," Allen admitted. "It's like he has taken my memories."

"There are skills and talents that could explain this. But I think something else is at play here. Seeds of distrust are being sown. We must be careful. Trust no one, not even those close to you. You must plan for more than you can imagine."

As Allen prepared for the next battle, his determination increased. He would uncover the fraudster's true identity and crush anyone who dared to stand in his way. The world of Ellaria would bow to him, and nothing could stop him from achieving ultimate power.