Changes Of Memories

The rain continues to fall from the sky which makes him think about all the women who he captured in the past their faces all have the same familiarity which is a look alike.

Overhaul: Eri...

Clutching on to the gate tightly accidently uses his quirk to reassemble the gate into spikes. Smirking slightly while having a thrill of excitement. While having flashbacks of the small child who got away from his clutches. Breathing heavily as the blood went down from his forehead.

Hearing footsteps coming up right behind him as he didn't mind it at all he was busy lost in a trance of excitement.

Chrono: Kai is time to head inside.

Looks at him but notices that the gate has turned into spikes. Sighs slightly as the rain begins to pour down harder. The thunderstorms grew louder as lightning appeared up in the sky.

Overhaul: I saw Eri...

Chuckles a bit while using his quirk to fix the gate so no person would think that there's a villain attack.

Chrono: Actual Eri or a person that looks like her?

Looks at him hoping it's not what he thinks is happening.

Overhaul: It's Eri I know it is she looked at me...

Smiles slightly while remembering the woman but his memory changes from the woman to the young girl.

Chrono: Let's get inside.

Grabs onto his arm and pulls him away from the gate. Trembling at the thought of Kai losing himself or maybe he had lost himself on the day when the deal had been made.

Overhaul: I hear her voice she wants to come back with me. The way she looked at me I know it's her.

Says it calmly yet has a hint of obsession in his tone. He kept on seeing Eri in his mind her face over and over again.

Chrono: Talk more about it in the building.

Pulls him inside the building as they're soggy and wet from the rain.

Overhaul: ...

The blood from his wound has washed away but his forehead including the glass. The memories of the women who he captured such a long time ago. Using a knife to cut out their faces making them completely disfigured and unrecognizable. Remembering their screams but for some reason, he doesn't remember the women's screams it was Eri's screams and begging.


A woman who's tied up on the chair where Eri used to be. The small girl who was experimented. The woman kept on begging him to be freed promising him that she wouldn't tell anybody.

Random Woman: Please let me go I promise I won't say anything!

Trembling uncontrollably after hearing a whistling coming from her captor. The whistling is like a tune but also hearing him going through items.

Overhaul: Eri don't act like you don't remember me!

Picking up a scalpel that he used on Eri. Walking right towards the woman who had similarities to Eri. Her hair her eyes and her horn. Hearing the woman scream so loud after noticing the scalp in his hands.

Overhaul: Eri you were always so quiet back then...

Glaring at her with obsession yet hatred while raising the scalpel.

Random Woman: NO PLEASE DON'T DO IT!

Yells so loud as tears went down her eyes looking at her captor and possibly her murderer.

Overhaul: Eri!

Using the scalpel to slowly cut into her face hearing the woman's loud screaming, especially the begging asking him to stop. Crying and yelling can be heard throughout the laboratory. After a few minutes had passed by the yelling had stopped it was dead silence.

Overhaul: Eri...

Holding the woman's face in his hand staring at the faceless body still strapped onto a chair where Eri used to be. Laughing so manically but stopped after a few seconds. Throwing the face away to who knows where.

Overhaul: Where's Eri?

(End of Flashback).

Overhaul: ...

Standing completely still not saying a word.

Chrono: Let's get dressed and after that let me take care of that wound of yours.

Pushing him to the bedroom since Overhaul seems to be lost in a trance.

Chrono: Get dressed Kai.

Closing the door to give him privacy.

(In his mind).

"What should I do about this? He has completely lost it."

(Out of his mind).

(At the Hero Agency).

Alice: I can't help but think about that Yakuza.

Sitting down in her office while remembering her confrontation with the Yakuza that she saw. Remembering the look that he gave her.

Alice: Is like he saw me before!

Leaning back against the chair.

Sakura: Well that was the Shie Hassaikai second in command his name is Kai Chisaki and well apparently he made a deal with the police to not go to prison.

Looking through the files of the information on the Shie Hassaikai and Kai Chisaki.

Alice: Oh really then if he's involved with this missing case then off to prison he goes. If he's involved of course I don't have the information for it.

Remembering the glare still from the first encounter.

Sakura: Kai Chisaki made contact with the League of Villains and also he made bullets out of a little girl's flesh.

Going through the files that a police officer who was in the raid filed out.

Alice: I see so I guess we'll put Kai Chisaki on our suspect list for now. So that means one of us would have to spy on Kai Chisaki.

Looks at her sidekicks.

Sakura: Well I guess I'll do it since my quirk could transform into anyone. Maybe I'll become you and let's see if Kai Chisaki is our suspect.

Using her quirk to transform into her boss.

Alice: Do it in the mornings for safety reasons.

Feeling uneasy about the thought of Kai Chisaki especially her sidekick doing it on the night where the kidnapping happened. Couldn't shake off the ominous glare that he gave her.

(In her mind).

"Is it him? Villains hate heroes so maybe that's why he gave me that look?"

(Out of her mind).

Sakura: It's okay boss I'll be careful.

Says it with a smile wanting to reassure her boss that everything will be fine.

Alice: Alright I'll trust you.

(At the Shie Hassaikai in Overhaul's Room).

After minutes later he finally snapped out of it. Changing his clothing but the memories of meeting Eri again make him feel warm inside. Removing his black mask and put on another one.

Overhaul: I think I'm still sane I'm still here... Boss are you still here?

Breathing heavily panicking after remembering the deal.


Breaking down crying trembling uncontrollably.

Overhaul: I'm still here I'm still sane...

(At the outside of the room).

Standing in the hallway overhearing Overhaul.

Chrono: ...

Sighs slightly while shaking his head and reaching out to knock on the door.

Chrono: Kai I have to check on that wound or it will get infected.

Hearing movement coming from inside of the room stepping away from the door slowly after hearing the door knob turning. Watching the door opening and saw Overhaul's eyes were very red maybe because of the crying.

Overhaul: Chrono do you think I'm sane? Am I still here?

Looks at him hoping that he'll yes to him and that his sanity is still intact.

Chrono: ...

Hearing his own heart pounding fast wondering if he told him the word no that something bad would happen. Being completely nervous about telling him the hard truth. Clutching his fist tightly as he decided to speak a lie.

Chrono: You're still here Kai.

Smiles at him still clutching his fist tightly knowing he just said the biggest lie to him. It wasn't the truth.

Overhaul: I-I knew that I was still here...

Using his quirk to heal himself since he feels good about being sane. His right-hand man gives him hope.

Chrono: I have bad news it seems like the League of Villains still want revenge against us mostly you. I'm assuming I think I've seen Toga lurking around outside of the base.

Says it calmly while looking at him wondering if he's sane enough to do something about it since his quirk is the only thing that keeps this place standing.

Overhaul: Toga?

Remembering the blonde-haired teenage girl for a short moment. The memories of her go through his mind but the memory of her changes from Toga to Eri.

Overhaul: I'll take care of it.

To be continued in the next chapter