An Unknown Experience

Chrono: Fuck what are you doing here?

Stepping back slightly, looking at Dabi with a surprised expression.

Dabi: I wanted to reassure Shigaraki that you don't have Toga, but judging by your face, it seems like you do.

Showing off his blue flames as he was about to attack but felt a cold chill passing through his body that made him stop in his tracks.

(In his mind).

"The hell?"

Looks around for a moment and noticed a red thread coming from a nearby portal. Tugging on to the red thread for a short moment and noticed the thread disappearing from his grasp.


His eyes widened after feeling a stab in his shoulder, and he noticed an arrow that came from Overhaul's assistant hair.

"That bastard stabbed me when I was lost in thought."

(Out of his mind).

Falling on the floor, feeling that his movements have been slowed down.

Chrono: You seem lost in thought so I had to use the long hand to protect myself. Since you're more powerful than me.

Says it calmly while feeling smug about Dabi's fast defeat.

(Meanwhile at Overhaul's Room).

Waking up slightly after experiencing a strange dream. The dream seems too real.


Dabi: You're the first link are you?

*Looks at him*

Overhaul: The first what?

*Snapping out of it he looks over to a dead body that looks similar to his boss. His eyes widen as he tears up but also remembers what happened on that day of the rape thanks to that woman who ruined his memory of his boss forever.*

Dabi: Listen to me! The people in the masks are using you! If you meet them one day stay away from them! Or better yet don't let the book take control!

(End of Flashback).

Overhaul: What a strange dream. I never had that before, and what's with the town dream?

Walking towards the reaching out to open it but realized the door was locked. Clutching his fist tightly thinking that Chrono did it on purpose.

Overhaul: Damnit Chrono.

Growls slightly as the lights start to flicker. Banging on the door, trying to open it, but ended up using his quirk instead just to disassemble it into nothing. Looking down at his hands remembering the dream that it wasn't even there. It felt all too real like he just switched places with another him.

(In his mind).

"It's just a stupid dream, nothing more. Why am I making a big deal out of nothing."

Walking out of the room but stopped after feeling a sharp pain in his head. Clutching his head he saw images of people in goat masks walking. Hearing chanting in the distance of a language that he doesn't understand.

"It's all an illusion. I did bang my head earlier."

Looks back slightly after hearing a strange noise coming from right behind him. Eyes widen realizing a man in the goat mask was standing right in front of him.

The Man In The Goat Mask: You're showing remarkable results. You're starting to change.

Reaching out to him.

"It's an illusion. It's all in my head."

Backing away from him but accidentally bumped into someone or something.

The Man In The Goat Mask: It's all too real.

Appears right behind him.

(Out of his mind).

Breathing heavily after witnessing what just happened, wondering if the dream was real or if he suffered a head injury. Remembering that dream for a short moment, especially the warning.

Overhaul: Tch I guess I'll listen to my stupid dream at least for once.

Walking down the hallway, passing by Chrono, but stopped after noticing Dabi on the floor.

Overhaul: You capture that fool?

Smirks slightly while touching the wall to create spikes. Looking at Dabi with a twisted smile.

Chrono: Kai, how did you get out?

His eyes widen realizing that Kai has escaped from the room.

Overhaul: You're an idiot, Chrono. Of course, I could escape it.

Glaring at him with hate and disgust it's almost like he wants to kill him, especially for locking the door.

Dabi: So do you have Toga or not?

He looks at both Overhaul and Chrono while activating his quirk, covering himself in flames.

Overhaul: She's somewhere, but why should I tell you? You're completely at my mercy I could easily end you.

A twisted smile appears on his face glaring at Dabi.

Dabi: Bastard!

Forcing himself to move despite being hit by Chrono's quirk.

Dabi: I'm going to kill you both.

Yells at him while shooting out his blue flames but notices that the flames are being blocked by a large spike that was created by Overhaul.

Overhaul: If you want Toga then come and find her!

Laughing manically as his laughter changed into something demonic. His eyes were glowing red as his quirk had a power boost. Disassembling and reassembling the ground to recreate the entire building of the Shie Hassaikai, but that didn't stop there. It spread throughout the neighborhood. Each house was being disassembled. Hearing screaming in the distance of groups of people who were being affected by the attack.

Chrono: Stop it, Kai! You're going to attract the heroes! It's bad enough that we're being investigated!

He looks at him but notices his facial expression, which is so sick and twisted. It is like he didn't give a fuck about it what anybody was saying to him.

(In his mind).

"I have to do something before more shit happens!"

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: There's no way your quirk is this overpowered!

Shooting out his blue flames but noticed that there was a Man in a goat mask standing right behind Overhaul. It's like he's just observing Overhaul's actions.

(In his mind).

"Who's that? Wait those two can't see him? He right there!"

(Out of his mind).

Overhaul: Hahaha!

Disassembling and reassembling the ground was about to cause major destruction, but he felt a stab in his shoulder, which caused him to slow down. Eyes widen looking back slightly just to see Chrono glaring at him.

Dabi: ...

Staring at the man in the goat mask approaching him.

Man In The Goat Mask: I kinda expected this but I hope you don't turn into someone troublesome.

He looks at him calmly while looking back at Overhaul, who's the first link from the original Overhaul back in his world.

Man In The Goat Mask: He looks like the type who would be hard to control. I don't want him to get in trouble just yet.

Snapping his fingers as everything went back to normal like nothing had ever happened. The rest of the people who were traumatized by what just happened made it look like it was just an illusion.

Man In The Goat Mask: Well, then, it's time for me to make my leave and check out the second link.

Disappearing completely.

Dabi: ...

His eyes widened, wondering what just happened. Everything went from massive destruction to nothing happening. Every building, including the Shie Hassaikai, looked completely fine.

(In his mind).

"What the hell just happened?"

(Out of his mind).

To be continued on the next chapter