Episode 8: Frustrations and Friendships

Aurelia's terminal dinged when a holographic calendar appeared. Her mother included a note with the date. It was two weeks out. I expect you to block off this day and schedule no other arrangements.

A sigh escaped her lips. So, her mother found another candidate. Marriage might have been a transaction for her, but Aurelia felt otherwise. If someone made that commitment, they should make it with someone they could spend time with.

Aurelia shot off a text to Maza. Has Francesca given anyone a piece of her mind yet?

Maza sent an emoji that looked like it had a headache. One of the greenhorns was using one of the office spaces and heard every word. They called me from the bathroom, because they were scared.

Yikes… Hopefully, they wouldn't be scared into quitting.

Aurelia sent a sighing emoji. Did you handle it?

Maza sent a thumbs up. I told them to go to the coffee shop and take a break before getting back to work.

Aurelia sent a thumbs up before sending a calendar image. My mother is making me take this day off.

Don't worry about it. Maza sent a hugging hologram. If anything comes up, I'll take care of it.

I know you will. Doesn't make it any less aggravating.

Maza sent a patting emoji. Let's go out after you're done with it.

Aurelia sent a slightly smiling emoji.

I'll let Francesca know. I know those meetings exhaust you.

Aurelia sent back a heart. Thanks for understanding.

Maza sent a thumbs up and a waving hand.

Aurelia let out a deep sigh before trudging down the stairs. She walked through the living room, ignoring the chatter of her roommates as she entered the kitchen.

When she opened the cabinet, she only found bags of coffee. A groan escaped her lips.

"Are you okay?" Keith asked.

"We're out of tea," Aurelia said, opening the next cabinet. All she saw were dishes.

Keith frowned before rummaging around in his pocket. He pulled out a card and handed it to Aurelia. "Here. Order something."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Yolie and I got coffee without you, so this is only fair."

Aurelia shook her head.

Keith's brow furrowed. "What happened? You usually don't get this upset over tea."

Aurelia shrugged. "My mother found another marriage candidate for me to meet."

He sighed. "I've told you before, I could be your fake boyfriend if you need."

Yolie giggled as she came into the kitchen. "Or real if you want." She winked.

Keith blushed.

Aurelia raised her shirt collar over her face in an attempt to cover her own blush

"K-Keith and I are just friends, Yolie."

Yolie sighed. "You pair of dummies."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Keith asked.

Yolie laughed. "Nothing~" She grabbed their wrists and tapped them together.

"Yolie!" Keith and Aurelia shouted in unison. Their hands remained clasped.

Yolie smirked. "Look at that, you even say things in sync."

Aurelia dropped her shirt collar and stared at the ground. She tugged her hand away. "You're so embarrassing!" she mumbled.

"That was unnecessary, Yolie! Aurelia and I are just friends."

"If you insist." Yolie rolled her eyes.

Keith huffed before turning back to Aurelia. "Anyway, just send me the receipt." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I know meeting these people can stress you out."

"Thank you..." Aurelia looked away. "I'm sorry for snapping earlier..."

Keith waved his hand. "It's fine."

Yolie grinned and patted Aurelia's shoulder. "Come on Rel, we're having movie night tonight." She dragged Aurelia toward the couch. Keith followed close behind.

"So, what are we watching?" Keith asked.

Yolie threw a blanket over Aurelia before flopping onto the couch beside her. She grabbed Aurelia's arm and snuggled against it.

Keith sat down on the other side of Aurelia and leaned against her shoulder.

Heat rose in Aurelia's cheeks. She averted her gaze.

"How about Virtual Escapades?" Yolie suggested.

Keith nodded.

"Whatever you guys want..." Aurelia murmured.

Keith and Yolie smiled. Yolie tapped on her terminal screen and started the movie. Aurelia closed her eyes as she tried to focus on the plot instead of the warmth surrounding her.

"Rel, wake up! Breakfast time!" Yolie exclaimed.

Aurelia rubbed her eyes. She was in her room. "Wha?"

Yolie giggled. "You fell asleep during the movie."

Aurelia yawned. "Sorry... I didn't realize I was tired."

"It's fine. Keith carried you up to your room." Yolie patted Aurelia's shoulder. "Go ahead and sleep. I left some water on your nightstand for you."

Aurelia swung her legs out the side of her bed. "I slept enough as it is." More than Keith and Yolie who were already awake.

Yolie rolled her eyes. "Okay, Sleeping Beauty. Don't forget to eat breakfast then. We saved some for you."

Aurelia followed Yolie downstairs where Keith was sitting at the table. Yolie took a seat beside him. Aurelia sat across from them.

"Morning Rel. Did you sleep well?" Keith asked.

"Yeah..." Aurelia glanced down at her plate of pancakes.

Yolie poured syrup onto her own food before nudging Keith. "Keith made them for you."

Keith nodded. "They might not taste as good as yours though."

Aurelia poked the pancake with her fork and blushed. "T-thanks..."

Keith and Yolie dug into their own food. Aurelia nibbled at hers before taking a full bite. She swallowed before grabbing the syrup bottle. She poured more syrup onto her food.

Aurelia continued eating. Keith and Yolie were halfway done with their plates.

Aurelia finished her meal first. She stood up from the table and brought her plate to the sink.

When she turned around, Keith and Yolie were staring at her.

Aurelia tilted her head. "Is everything okay?"

"Why do you ask Rel?" Keith asked.

Aurelia shook her head. "No reason..."

She headed upstairs to her room. After changing out of her pajamas, she sat down at her desk. She logged into her terminal screen and checked her emails. Nothing important jumped out at her. Aurelia sighed and logged out before checking her work tasks and messages. Everything was handled yesterday, which meant she had nothing to do today. Aurelia groaned. She hated being unoccupied. At least work provided her with a distraction.