Episode 10: Warm Drinks and Warm Hearts

The prince sighed as he walked out of the office. 

Rel had changed... Even though she was away from home, she was starting to sound like Mom. 

Tears poked out of the corners of his eyes. He missed the big sis who used to dote on him.

She left home to attend a prestigious academy when he was five. 

Deni sighed and looked up at the sky. Everyone around him was so stifling....

Acting like a cute kid gave him a bit more freedom, but here Rel was, taking even that away. 

Tears fell as he ran toward the park.

Rel used to be fun, but now that she had a job, she was so stuck up! If this was what an adult was, he didn't wanna become one!

He sighed and stopped running once he reached the park. 

The boy sat down in the swing. Sometimes he just wanted to run away...

He hated having his whole life controlled. He had hobbies and dreams of his own too...

The prince swung himself higher and higher. He remembered when Rel used to swing him.

"Higher, Sissy!"

Rel chuckled and pushed him.

The swing went high enough to touch the clouds. The little prince laughed and giggled happily.

His sister's gentle smile flashed through Deni's mind. He sighed again. Would Rel ever look at him with that kind smile again?

"Deni!" a voice called out. Where are you, little bro? Deni!"

Deni turned around and sighed. Should he yell, 'I'm here!'? Or should he keep quiet and run away?

Deni decided to swing higher, ignoring her voice. Rel wouldn't catch him.

But it seemed like Aurelia knew exactly where he was. 

She plopped down in the swing next to him and swung herself. Deni grumbled and went higher.

Rel smirked and went even higher.

Deni grumbled, "You're cheating!" Aurelia was older than him! It wasn't fair!

Rel replied, "How am I cheating? You can go higher if you want to!" She grinned and pushed herself higher.

Deni pouted. "Sissy, stop copying me!" Why was Rel being such a meanie today?! Wasn't Aurelia supposed to dote on him? Why was Aurelia teasing him instead?!

Deni sniffled. Tears pricked out of his eyes. Maybe Rel really hated him now.

Rel noticed tears falling from Deni's eyes. She immediately jumped off the swing and waited for his to slow to a stop before picking him up. "I really hurt your feelings today, didn't I?" Rel apologized. "Big sis will make it up to you!"

Deni sniffled again. Rel never lied to him. If she said she'd make up for it, she would...

The boy wiped his tears and nodded.

Rel hugged Deni close and rubbed his back. "Ready to get something to drink?"

The little boy grinned. "Yes, please!"

Rel took him to the cafe nearby and ordered drinks for both of them.

Deni ordered hot chocolate, and Aurelia ordered a green tea latte.

Rel patted Deni on the head. "Want to get some practice in once we get home?"

Deni perked up and nodded. Aurelia smiled gently and ruffled his hair.

Rel paid for the drinks and carried Deni on her shoulders all the way back.

Deni giggled. It was fun being carried like this!

Rel set Deni down in front of the door. "Alright! Let's get started!"

The prince nodded and followed Aurelia inside.

Once they reached the training room, Rel locked the door, so Keith and Yolie wouldn't wander into the crossfire.

Deni stretched while Rel activated the barrier.

The prince held his breath and focused. His body slowly started glowing. Deni tried focusing the light into a beam.

Rel clapped. "Good job!" She praised. Deni beamed proudly. He could control light better than Aurelia could!

Rel conjured some targets. Deni aimed at them and released beams of light. He managed to hit two of them, while the other three escaped unscathed.

Aurelia summoned another target. Deni focused harder this time and shot multiple beams at it. Two beams grazed the target, but the third one hit it dead center.

Rel cheered, "Nice!" Aurelia created more targets for him to practice hitting. Deni did his best to hit every single one.

Rel conjured a moving target. Deni focused really hard this time. His brows furrowed as he aimed for it.

Aurelia nodded, impressed by how serious he was taking this. Deni fired beams of light at it. The first two missed, but the last one managed to hit the moving target.

Deni grinned. He did it! He managed to hit the moving target! Rel cheered. "Great job!"

Deni felt proud of himself. He couldn't wait to show his parents! They were gonna be so impressed!

Aurelia created more moving targets for him to practice on. Deni managed to hit all but one.

Deni slumped over, tired after practicing for two hours straight. Rel patted him on the head. "Let's get something to eat!"

The boy nodded and yawned.

"Go ahead and nap in my bed." Aurelia smiled. "I'll have dinner ready for you when you wake up."

Deni nodded and stumbled into Aurelia's bedroom. He flopped onto the bed and passed out.

Eventually, his eyes fluttered open. He blinked a few times before remembering that he was in Rel's room. He jumped out of bed when a pleasant scent wafted in through the crack in the door. Rel must've finished cooking! Deni ran downstairs and plopped down in a seat.

Rel had made a Butternut Squash Risotto and buttered peas and carrots. It smelled so good! Deni drooled as Rel set plates down in front of them.

Deni thanked Aurelia for the food before digging in. Everything tasted amazing!

Aurelia smiled gently. "Glad you like it." 

"How did you make this? The chefs are boring cooks."

"I know a girl who cooks for a living. She gave me a few pointers. I'm glad they helped. Do you want seconds?" Aurelia asked. Deni nodded excitedly. Rel refilled his plate and then ate her share.

After finishing dinner, Deni returned to Rel's room and flopped down onto her bed. There was nothing like a good nap after a good meal!