Episode 13: Flustered and Funny

Wait a minute. He wasn't home right now. He'd gone to Rel's tiny place yesterday, and this was her room. Where was she, anyway?

He got out of bed and put on Rel's oversized bathrobe—it looked like a dress on him—and went down the hall to find Aurelia.

She was in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a book on her terminal. Deni sat down across from her.

The lady who got mad at him for saying peasants walked into the kitchen. She was wearing blue lipstick and way-too-big, thick, black glasses. As Deni turned away to not stare, he saw a familiar box of tea on the table.

The box was labeled "Honeybush Vanilla." A smile crept across his face as he remembered the soothing, sweet flavor.

"Would you like a cup?" Aurelia asked, looking up from her terminal with a smile.

Deni nodded eagerly. "Yes, please!"

Rel poured hot water over two tea bags in a pair of mugs. Deni took one mug when Aurelia offered it to him, and wrapped his hands around it, enjoying its warmth. He blew on it until he could sip it without burning his tongue.

As Aurelia drank her own tea, Deni noticed that her terminal screen displayed the title of the novel she was reading. "What's the book about?" he asked, curious.

Aurelia's eyes lit up. "It's a fantasy novel about a young hero on a quest to find a magical artifact. It's full of adventure and surprises."

Deni grinned. "That sounds cool! Maybe you can read some of it to me later?"

"Of course," Aurelia replied. "I'd love to share it with you."

They sipped their tea in companionable silence for a moment, enjoying the sweet, soothing flavor. Then Deni remembered something. "Are you going to be busy all day?"

Aurelia took a thoughtful sip of her tea. "I have a few things to do, but I'll make time for you, too."

Clown lady muttered something as she grabbed herself some toast and began buttering it up.

Deni couldn't hold it in anymore. "Miss, do you know how to make balloon animals? Can you make me a giraffe?" he shouted.

"First, I was a peasant! Now, I'm a clown! What a rude little boy you are."

"Have you looked in a mirror this morning?" Rel muttered, giving her friend the side eye.

"She always looks like that," Keith said, walking in.

Deni noticed his sister blush as she stared at her tank-top-wearing friend.

He grumbled and hugged his big sis. His tongue stuck out at the muscular guy.

Keith blinked.

She sighed. "Rel, your brother is a real piece of work."

Deni pouted and looked away. "Says the clown girl."

She formed a fist. "If you weren't ten, I would wrap a balloon around your neck!"

"Honk, honk." Deni chuckled.

"Try acting your age," Keith muttered.

"You too, Deni. You know better than to tease others like this," Rel said.

He grumbled. "Fine!"

Keith looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Don't you need to get going?"

She stuck her tongue out at him before leaving.

Deni's stomach growled.

"Why don't I make something?" Keith asked. "After last night, I'm starving."

Rel blushed. "Thanks, Ki. B-but could you change first? Your attire isn't suitable for cooking."

"Plus, it's too distracting for Sis," Deni said.

Keith's eyes widened. His cheeks turned pink too. "Oh, okay."

He rushed out of the kitchen, probably embarrassed.

Rel glared at Deni and pouted. "Deni, why did you say that?"

"What? I saw you blushing as soon as he stepped in. Do you like that guy, Sis?"

She grumbled. "W-what? Why do Yolie and you think that?"

Deni chuckled. "Guess the clown girl isn't a total dummy. Granted, it is obvious!"

"Obvious? What do you mean by obvious?" Rel asked, trying to maintain her composure.

Deni smirked. "Come on, Sis. It's pretty clear you like Keith. You get all flustered around him."

Rel sighed and took another sip of her tea. "You have quite the imagination, Deni."

"Maybe, but I know what I see," Deni said with a grin.

Just then, Keith returned to the kitchen, now wearing a t-shirt and pants. "Alright, let's get some breakfast going," he announced, trying to brush off the awkwardness from earlier.

Rel nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "What do you feel like making?"

Keith opened the fridge and scanned the contents. "How about some fluffy cakes? We have all the ingredients."

"Fluffy cakes sound great," Rel agreed. She glanced at Deni, who was nodding eagerly.

As Keith began to mix the batter, Deni watched him closely. "Can I help?"

"Sure," Keith said, smiling. "Why don't you stir the batter while I heat up the griddle?"

Deni jumped up, eager to help. As he stirred, he glanced at Rel, who was still blushing slightly but seemed more relaxed.

Deni wrestled the lumps with a glare.

If his sister got married and had kids, she would ignore him even more...

"You okay, kid?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you're kinda stirring aggressively."

He grumbled. "I'm hungry, that's all!"

Rel pulled a box of black and white cookies out of her terminal and grabbed one before putting the box back. "Here you go."

Deni grabbed the cookie with his mouth as he continued to stir. The sweetness of the cookie calmed him down a bit. "Thanks, Sis!" Deni beamed.

Keith noticed and chuckled. "Looks like that did the trick."

The boy pouted. "Help me out! You're the one who is gonna cook!"

"Oh, right." Keith took over the stirring and poured some of the contents into the pan. He flipped the first fluffy cake with a practiced hand.

Deni watched the fluffy cakes cook, the sweet aroma filling the kitchen. He felt a sense of contentment.

As they sat down to eat, Deni looked around the table, appreciating the moment. Despite the teasing and awkwardness, he felt happy. Rel's tiny place was starting to feel like home.

"These are delicious," Deni said, taking a big bite of his fluffy cake.

"Thanks, buddy," Keith replied with a smile. "I'm glad you like them."

Rel reached over and ruffled Deni's hair. "I'm glad you're here with us, Deni."

Deni grinned. "Me, too."