Episode 15: Clown and Critic

"Miss, do you know how to make balloon animals?" Rel's brother exclaimed. "Can you make me a giraffe?"

Yolie scoffed. "First, I was a peasant! Now, I'm a clown! What a rude little boy you are."

Those words kept playing in her head as she walked to her destination.

How could a kid who looked so cute be so mean? What did Rel see in him?

Frankie had cups of coffee in his hand. As she approached, he frowned. "Are you okay?"

"Rel's brother is visiting." Yolie sighed. "He's a bit of a brat, and I'm not happy about it."

"A brat? Why?"

Yolie gritted her teeth. "The little brat called me a clown!"

"A clown?" Frankie fidgeted. "Yeah, um, I mean that's not nice, but I can see why. He doesn't know what that costume is for, does he?"


"That's a lot of makeup to just be going out." Frankie flinched. "They don't know what your role is, do they?"

"They know I have an audition, but I haven't told them anything about it." A sigh escaped her lips. "What's the point if I get rejected again?"

Frankie patted her shoulder with his free hand. "Maybe but it might help them understand why you sometimes have on such outlandish outfits. I know I wouldn't wear some of the things that we end up wearing if it wasn't for our job." His cheeks reddened. "Honestly, I like it when it's we get to wear more boring and comfortable outfits."

"Oh, you're a dude. You wouldn't understand."

"I feel like Aurelia would be offended if she was here to hear you say that."

"Whatever." Yolie waved her free hand. "She just doesn't like it because of her mother."

"I don't know," Frankie replied. "Some people would be like that no matter what their upbringing was like, I think."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, think whatever you want."

Frankie gulped down some coffee. "Let's drop this for now. We're almost there. Are you ready to perform your audition? If you get rejected again, you can always try again another time, right? There's nothing wrong with failing until you succeed. Sometimes, all you need is to get noticed by someone important who can help you get your big break."

Yolie nodded. "Right."

She clenched her fist. She had to keep trying until she succeeded!

As they arrived at the building, Frankie gave her a thumbs up.

Yolie took a deep breath. This time! This time she'd do well!

Then, they headed inside to perform their auditions.

Yolie entered the audition room, her heart pounding with a mix of worry and excitement. The stage lights illuminated the space, casting long shadows across the floor. She could see a panel of judges seated behind a long table, their faces partially obscured by the brightness of the lights.

"Next up, Yolie Martinez," the stage manager called out.

She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Frankie's encouraging words. She stepped onto the stage, her costume rustling softly with each movement. As she stood in the center, she looked out into the audience, imagining the faces of Rel, Keith, and Frankie.

"Whenever you're ready," one of the judges said, her tone neutral but not unkind.

Yolie closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She had practiced her routine countless times, perfecting each movement, each expression. This was her chance to show them what she was capable of.

She began her performance, her body moving fluidly through the choreography. Her expressions were vivid, her gestures precise. As she danced, she could feel the energy of the music coursing through her, guiding her movements. The worries and doubts melted away, replaced by a sense of purpose and determination.

When she finished, she stood there, breathing heavily, awaiting the judges' response. There was a brief moment of silence, followed by polite applause.

"Thank you, Yolie. We'll be in touch," the lead judge said, giving her a nod.

Yolie exited the stage, her heart still racing. Frankie was waiting for her, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"How did it go?" he asked, handing her a bottle of water.

"I think it went well," she replied, taking a sip. "But you never know with these things."

Frankie smiled. "Well, I think you did great. Just keep your head up, no matter what happens."

Yolie nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope. She knew the path to success was never easy, but with determination and the support of her friends, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Frankie smiled at the hologram that popped up.

"What?" Yolie asked.

"Ely and I are going to have a fun evening tonight."


His smile widened. "We have a dinner reservation."

"Sounds nice," Yolie said, managing a small smile. "You two have fun."

Frankie nodded. "We will. And hey, don't stress too much about the audition. You did your best, and that's what matters."

Yolie nodded.

As they stepped outside, the warm sunlight bathed them in its glow. Yolie took a deep breath, feeling a bit more relaxed. "I guess I'll head home and try to unwind a bit," she said.

"Good idea," Frankie replied. "Remember, no matter what happens, you've got people who believe in you."

Yolie nodded, feeling the weight of his words. "Thanks, Frankie. Enjoy your evening with Ely."

"You got it," he said, giving her a quick hug before heading off.

Yolie watched him go, feeling a mixture of emotions. She knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but she also knew she wasn't alone. With a final glance at the audition building, she turned and made her way home, ready to face whatever came next.

Yolie smiled as she opened the door of the house. She couldn't wait to rest. Her legs were killing her.

Yolie frowned as soon as she got to the door. The brat hadn't left yet.

"Clown is back!" the brat said, pointing at her as he sat on the living room floor.

"You little brat!" Yolie then chased him.

The brat cried. "Help! The crazy clown is after me!"

Rel sighed and walked into the living room. "Deni, Yolie isn't a clown nor crazy. She's just a little... Eccentric is all."

Yolie stopped chasing the kid and turned toward her. "How long is the brat gonna stay with us?"

"For a week!" The little gremlin grinned. "So, five more days!"

"A week! Rel, can't you get your parents to take him back?"

"A week will go by fast. I'll get him to behave."

Yolie sighed and went upstairs. "Let's discuss this later. I'm too tired right now. I'm gonna go lay down."

Yolie flopped onto her bed, feeling the tension in her body slowly start to ease. It wasn't long before she felt her eyes growing heavy. She let herself drift off to sleep, dreaming of a bright future filled with possibilities. She would make her dream come true no matter what!